Solve a world problem

Our goal

Out goal was to pick some sort of world problem, then we had to find a solution for it. Our world problem was car crashes

Car Crashes Presentation

When we first thought of the idea about car crashes we decided to as much research as possible and figure out a solution. First we just split apart and tried to find as much research as possible. We narrowed the research down to 3 articles and 1 data table. We annotated every article and got our data from that After we all finished that we made a slideshow and put the data on different slides. We came up with self driving cars! Most car crashes are caused by human error so if we were to produce more self driving cars that would solve most of the problems. Personally I think we did very well on this project, we worked well together and everything went smoothly. I was happy about this project because I feel like I did a good job on it. We all worked efficient and got everything done pretty fast. This project was interesting because I found a lot of new things out.