Cosmic Chemistry Project

This unit we leaanred about cosmic chemistry, to be more specififc we learned about the big bang theory and how it created the universe and elements. We also learned about nuclear fission, fusion, and the speed of light. For this project we were given the option to pick three platforms to display our understanding of cosmic chemistry as seen below. We ended up choosing Mathematical, Musical, and Kinesthetic

Cosmic Chemistry-TicTacToe

To the right and below is our rap, Mathematical equations, and both stop motion video.

nuclear transmutation practice problems
big bang
chem project
The composition of the nucleus

Major Concepts:

The Big Bang theory - An explosion with lots of force than expanded the universe into what it is today. In our stop motion videos we displayed this.

Nuclear fusion- Two ligher nuclei coming together to form larger and heavier nucleus. Nuclear fusion powers the sun and stars. In our rap we described this process.

Nuclear fission - An atom splitting into two or more molecules. Releases large amounts of energy in the process. Along with Nuclear fusion this is in our rap.

Isotopes - Two atoms with the same atomic number but different number of neutrons. We used isotopic notation on the mathematics worksheet.

Atoms - Smallest kind of matter that forms all elements such as solids, liquids, and gases.


I think the project went very well. On thing I did well on was being a communicator and collaborator. For communicator, I was very talkative with the team and making sure everyone knew what they were doing. Along with that I was a great listener, I wouldnt interupt anyone and was open to new ideas. For collaborator, I was very flexible with what the group needed. If someone asked me to do something I would do it for them.

Some things I think I could work on was being a better was critical thinking and conscientous learner. I was thatv great at solving problems on my own so I had to rely on my groupmates for that which could get annoying for them at times. For conscientous learner I could have been better at organizing my time and work better. I didnt do the best on that and my groupmates had to remind me a lot to do my work. SOmetimes I even waited til the last minute to do my work.