Step 3


The primary goal during step three was to evaluate alternative concepts. To evaluate different concepts we designed a decision matrix. Before designing the decision matrix, we spent a good amount of time looking at our past classification scheme to analyze the potential materials we were going to use in our prosthetics. We brainstormed what types of joints, plastics, colors, and other materials would go well together to create three solid concepts. Once we finalized our three concepts we designed a decision matrix. 

A decision matrix is a table that weighs desired criteria in a column and their proposed solutions in the other columns. The top of the matrix contains the names of the concepts being evaluated. Some columns contain the evaluation criteria and their assigned weights and then scoring and intermediate calculations are recorded within the sub-columns under each concept and totaled at the bottom of the matrix.

BOATSTONE - Capstone Design Step 3: Evaluation of Alternative Concepts


Decision Matrix: It is a series of values in columns and rows that allow someone to compare possible solutions visually by weighing variables based on importance. The result will inform someone of the best course of action. Based on our decision matrix, it was clear that concept one, The BBQ on the side was the best one, our base boat works well with the amount of storage and pins.

Concept: A plan or intention; a conception. We finalized three potential concepts.

Robust: Having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health. We need strength for our boat, that's why we have 1 concept with more 

Functionality: The quality of being suited to serve a purpose well; practicality. We need to boat to float to work so this is our #1 priority.


When this project first started, I thought the team and I did a good job of communicating and working together. By splitting and conquering the many stages of the process, we were able to complete our work quickly. We did our best to work with each person's skills, and in the end, that produced incredibly successful work. Step 3 of the Capstone design process helped us each gain valuable insights into how we will have to continue improving our project. By working together to meet deadlines and consumer interests, we have a really good head start on our goal for this project.