P.E Fitness log reflection

For this project we had to make a goal that we wanted to achieve fitness wise. The goal had to be a S.M.A.R.T goal which is the following:

Specific - the goal must be very detailed and specific

Measurable - the goal needs to measured using specific criteria

Action Steps - you must have a way that you plan to achieve your goal

Realistic - the goal must be reasonable

Timely - the time allotted to achieve the goal must be appropriate

We learned about many things throughout the year that motivated us to exercise. We learned about different diseases are caused by the lack of exercise. We also learned that exercising regularly makes it harder to get some of the bad diseases. We learned about how to make good exercise schedules so we don't overwork ourselves. We learned about overload and FITT principles. The overload principle pretty much shows you a good amount of time to workout. You can't overwork yourself because you can plateau which means you can't get any stronger.

A lot of things went well this project. One of them being gaining a lot of knowledge about physical fitness. Another thing that went well was working hard to become stronger. Just a few workouts a week can make a big difference in your strength. Some things I could on done better on are being consistent and having a better mindset.

This is an example of what my fitness log looks like.

At the top of the log there is my exercise log, date on when it happened, how long it was, and how the intensity was.

In the second half of the log is my mood and sleep log. I explain when I wake up, how I feel after the gym/workout and what time I go to sleep.

Components of fitness

During the semester we learned many components of fitness such as muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance. Muscular strength and endurance related the most to my goal since it is to increase the amount of weight I am able to lift. Muscular strength has to do with lifting a heavy weight only once. Muscular endurance has to do with doing multiple reps and things over again to get stronger. Understanding both of them helps with lifting weights. Flexibility, body composition and flexibility is probably the least important because I am trying to increase weights.

Muscular Strength - the ability to apply the maximum amount of force on an object using one's muscles. The development of fast twitch fibers determine the muscular strength of someone.

Muscular Endurance - the ability to use one's muscles to repetitively without tiring. Muscle Endurance is determined by how well your slow twitch fibers are developed.


It sucks that we were only able to spend half the normal time in PE this year, I think I learned a lot. Periodization and overload were two new concepts. Also I learned more about the Components of fitness. I enjoyed PE quite a lot this year despite being unable to get the proper experience. I am in general happy about everything, for example my mindset is way better than it was in the beginning of the year