Physics Of Sports Video


The process of the video took 3 weeks and lots of calculations and tries to get the videos perfect and look nice. Over the time we practiced softball equations and got better at doing equations. We went out to the field and got clips of throwing the football, the stance, hand placement, and the follow through. We had to do voice overs and add songs. We did many tries to make the voices good and smooth, it was many tries and we got it perfect. It was fun making the video cause there was funny clips and thing that we did´t add, I also like getting to walk around outside.


Time in air: 0.93s

Fall time: 0.46s

Velocity horizontal: 9.78 m/s

Distance Vertical: 9.144m

Force impact: 3.12N or around 13 pounds

Ball mass: 0.32kg

Copy of My Movie (1).mov



Two things I thought I did well of were the acting and the voice during the filming. Somethings I thought I could improve on during the filming was thinking harder because I was not focused all the time and another thing would be probably be splitting the workload.