Stem Physics/Engineering

Rube Goldberg Machine

This is our Rube Goldberg Machine, I worked with Eryn, Joy and Nathan. We worked for 11 wok days to make are Rube Goldberg Machine as useful as possible.

On the first 5 days we did plans and simple stuff like placing ramps and levers in, we ran lots of test to make sure our RGB is great.

On the next 6 days we worked on adding on to the build like pulleys and painting. We printed picture of buildings to match our theme of Around the World. We painted our board and add led and added electrical things to make it more technical.

Original Blueprint

This is our beginning blueprint was very different from our end print we changed plans while building the actual contraption

Final Blueprint

This is our final Blueprint, it has changed a lot like the wheel, the lever, the pulley, and also the other pulley to pull up the flag. It is more extended.

Simple Machines

  1. Lever- A copper cube gets dropped onto one side of the lever and a ball gets lifted up to start the project.

  2. Incline Plains- The incline plains carry the ball through the project.

  3. Wheel- The balls falls onto a piece on the wheels, the ball pushes the wheel and the wheel then lets another ball start to roll down the incline plain.

  4. Screw- The ball roles down the incline plain to then drop into the screw and then roll down the screw in a circular motion. the balls drops the to next incline plain.

  5. Pulley- The ball rolls and drops down to fall into a cup and a button gets pressed when that happens. The button activates a motor that pulls a a flag that is attached to a pulley for a simple machine.


On our Rube Goldberg we had electrical bits on the back. The ball would roll down the ramp and activate lights that would light up because of tin foil and copper. The button would get pushed and the the motor would start to spin and lift up the flag.

Elements of Design

Are Design is around the world and everything in the project works together to make up the whole theme. The patterns carry your view down the project as you watch the ball roll down the ramps. It all draws your attention to the ramps and ball.


Copper Cube- 0.145kg

The mechanical advantage on the cube and lever is 0.5.

The force of the ball when it gets released is 6.8N.

When the ball hits the the tin foil is has 0.021N

The average velocity of the ball going down the ramp is 0.24m/s.

The KE is 0.02J

The acceleration is 0.22m/s.

The energy transfer is 0.6 of PE when the ball hits the wheel and the wheel releases the other ball.

When the ball gets released it has 6.9J of PE.

The screw has a mechanical advantage of 6.5 MA

The ball on the last ramp goes 0.43m/s

The motor that the ball activates by the button spins 2940 RPM.


My team was very creative and great to work with, I did not expect to know how to do all this stuff. I was expect the project to be hard and challenging, since we were creative and smart we did not have trouble with making ideas and finding solutions to fix thing that were not working out so well.

We worked for months making ideas and doing calculations, we worked well and did a quality job of making things look good like the ramps, wheel and axle, and the pulleys.

I would´t change anything about the group because we had good communication and stuff. If there was something I had to change it would probably be organization, are locker was very messy and it was filled with random stuff.