History of Marine Biology timeline

Timeline Fact Sheet (Sep 6, 2023 at 2:22 PM).pdf


This is the timeline of marine biology, Me and my group are making a poster about the timeline of marine biology. It has information about early explorers that have traveled the seas and discovered things way before our time. They have discovered things for us and they have carried on till now. Charles Darwin studied the ocean and made the theory of evolution. He did many studies of sea life. 


2 peaks of the project was staying focused because I got lots of work done and there was no messing around. Also our table got lots of work done in the couple of days working  and there was not a lot of distractions. 

2 pits of the project was getting tired and not being able to push through some drawings. Another pit was drawing random things but it didn't happen a lot so it wasn't to bad.