Mega Life Form Poster


For this project we made a mega poster with two smaller poster taped together. The project included research about the animals like what they eat, were they live, and some fun facts about them. We had to do 40 marine animals all about what we have learned over the year and throughout the semesters. It had the depth in meters and in feet. It took us 4 days to work on it till we completed it. The purpose of the project was to review the marine animals that we have learned and refresh our brains on the stuff we had to do and learn. 


2 things I think I did well was finding good facts and information on the animals. Another thing I think I did good was spreading out the animals so they were not all in the same spot. 2 things I think we could have worked on were fully coloring in the water and the landscape. Another thing I think could have been better was writing more things down for the marine animals and making some look more neater.