Shark Project

Dylan Falk - Amazing Shark!!! Species Research


For this project i had to make a list of facts and information on 4 different sharks and describe them. I chose the Angular Shark, Zebra Shark, Mega-mouth Shark, and the Saw Shark. I got videos and Photos of the sharks. It took me a week to do and it was long and alot of information. It was fun and cool to learn about different sharks and see how they live and what the look like cause all sharks are unique in there own way.

Dylan Falk - Amazing Shark!!! Species Research


2 things I could have done better were making each slide different and another thing I could have done was make the slides different colors instead of just dark. 2 things I think I did good were finding information about the sharks and another thing I think I did good on was choosing good photos for the sharks and making them look good.