Fitness Log Project

In this project we tracked our fitness over a month and tracked strength, diet, mood. We started learning about FIIT principle and progressive overload. This allowed us to better set out goal and plan for the next month. We created a SMART goal to try to achieve throughout the month and improve out life. We tracked out smart goal by making charts for 2 weeks and wrote down what we did and ate. My goal was to run a 6:30 mile and would get close to the goal by running a mile for the past days until i would improve and get faster and better at running. Logging my runs for 2 weeks helped me improve because i could see what my run time was in the beginning and end and it would motivate me to do better because I could see that i can do it. I would do pull ups to help strengthen my upper body and squats to increase leg strength. My heart rate was a average of 78 and after the workout was around 90 to 120. i would drink protein drinks to increase protein and also eat healthy food to keep me healthy.

Dylan Falk - Cardio Run Sheet

Cardio Run Data

I think I am pretty good at running and think my score are very good. 2 things I can do better is running faster and getting better times. 2 things I did great was running and collecting the data.


  • SMART GOAL:A smart goal is a goal you have that will improve your ability to do something. Example: Making a smart goal and achieving it.

  • OVERLOAD PRINCIPLE: Improving the physical body and making you stronger. Example: working out and becoming sore and resting to become bigger.

  • PERIODIZATION: It is a exercise that is made for a long term performance. Example: You run and make your cardio much better and then you will be more fit to run.

  • FITT PRINCIPLE: This is to tell you how long hard and the intensity of your workout. Example: You workout and time it, not down the weight and what type and kind of exercise you are doing.

  • HEART RATE (resting HR, Target heart rate or THRR): The beat of your heart pumping blood through you body to keep you alive. Example: If you feel your neck then you can feel the beat of you heart.

  • RESISTANCE TRAINING: Resistance training is when you are working out with a band and have resistance or with weight. Example: You work with weights and also bands.

  • BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES: This is when you are using calisthenics to grow in muscular size and get stronger. Example: You exercise and don't use weights.

  • HEALTH COMPONENTS: Health components are Cardiovascular endurance, Muscular Strength, Muscular endurance, Flexibility and also Body composition. Example: You are testing your health components to measure you healthiness and see where you are at.


A peak of the this is when we play bad mitten and also ping pong. A pit or a bad moment in when we are running or doing other things that i do out of school and also I don't like to get sweaty at school because then you smell bad.