9th Grade

This year I chose the option of taking 7 classes. I think this is the best decision for all freshman. The classes I have are 1st period PE, 2-3 period S.T.E.M. which is physics and engineering, 4th period college and carer readiness/ health next semester, 5th Period math/algebra 1, 6th period English, and 7th period jazz band. I had the option to take Spanish this year but I really wanted to do music/ Jazz band. The reason I only had 1 elective decision was because I chose to do STEM. Choosing STEM lets you only pick one elective because it is for two periods instead of one like regular science is, but i think its totally worth it. I will be taking Spanish for the next 3 years so I can meet the recommended amount of years for a language. I will be posting all of my major assignments in every class on this website. This is to show the high school that I have met the requirements when I am in senior year.