Capstone Part 4

Evidence of Work:

During part 4 of our capstone project we had to come up with experiments in order to test certain aspects of our product. We chose to do how long it would take to get cold and how long it could stay cold. We found that the fridge would be sufficiently cool after 40 minutes of having it plugged in. We also tested the duration of the battery and found that it would easily be able to last overnight while there is no sun. We learned an important part of engineering during this process. 


Lab Report


This was one of my favorite parts of the capstone so far. I like having to think about different things to test involving our product. I think that we learned how to write up lab reports better. I also think that we have  better grasp on designing experiments. A couple of things we want to work on is distributing the work more evenly and trying to include eachother and share ideas as much as possible.