Capstone Progress

The capstone project was first introduced to us on the first day of school. All of us thought that this was going to be the best class we have taken. It all started with the capstone interests survey where students expressed their interests of different kinds of engineering. We were able to see who had similar interests which helped a lot when forming our capstone teams. We then began to identify possible mentors for our project. Mentors can be very helpful in these type of projects. We then started a gaant chart which is a chart that helps you time manage different tasks. We also learned how to use 2D modeling software in order to create a logo. Mr Tronconi has also had us create brainstorming padlets which helped organize our different ideas and research. After a while we began to take the mentor thing serious. We began to contact different profesors that were in the field of engineering. We tried many different universities until we finally got a response from one at UC Davis. After completing some drawing tutorial assignments to help us work on our sketching skills, we created an initial proposal to give to the STEM board. We also created a presentation to go along with it. My group also created a Fire Fridge Survey. Mr. Tronconi also had us do a presentation revolving around market research of our product.


Initial Proposal Presentation
Initial Proposal
Hayden Cordero - Presentation - Market research report, D&W list draft, 3 Design ideas, survey plan & mentors' feedback

All of the stuff that Mr. Tronconi has assigned us has helped us throughout our capstone project. He haas assigned us various assignments where we learn how to 2D and 3D model along with hand drawn sketches. That has helped us immensely due to the fact that we have to have many sketches for the capstone project.


So far throughout this project things have been mostly going good. My team is able to cooperate together in order to finish assignments and come up with new ideas. I think that the actual prodcution of our product so far is going very well. I think that the distribution of work between my group could be a little better but we are mostly there. I feel like I should try to call people in more and have them share ideas and contribute to the team. One thing that I learned about myself is that i'm a little bit of a control freak. I find myself telling people what to do too much. I also learned that a gaant chart really helps me in terms of getting my work in on time. For example during the mentors phase of our project I did most of the work in terms of finding the mentor.