Diary of Manufacture

After setting the scale of the mosquito coil holder in the drawing to a 1:1 scale I  downloaded it as a PDF so it keeps its size. After printing it out we cut out the shape of our coil holder and stuck it on an actual piece of wood.

To achieve the shape of the mosquito coil holder the scroll saw is then used to cut around the piece of wood. To use the scroll saw the guard has to be brought up to the point where the wood could fit perfectly and could still be moving around this is to prevent the wood from bouncing up and down when using the scroll saw.

After cutting the wood into my shape I file it so the shape is more accurate to its original design. After filing the wood I used sand paper to give the wood a smooth textures.


 1. This is the resin mold we used. we can see along the side there is silicone this is used to prevent any leakages it also makes it easier to remove. After choosing  my mold I face a problem which is having to file my wood so it fits into the mold perfectly without leaving any gaps.

3. After the resin had hardened I used the Bandsaw to split the Resin and wood block into 3 pieces or layer however, the middle layer came out slightly thinner than the the other two making it unuseable since no oxygen would pass through to the mosquito coil when it's light up.

2. After choosing my mold I mixed two part resin and one part hardener (2:1) meaning the hardener would always be half the amount of resin poured into the cup. After pouring both liquid into a cup and stirring it untill it's well mixed I added orange resin dye into the cup and stirred it untill my resin turns orange.


 I cut out the 1:1 template Mrs Douglas printed out earlier and used it as a guide to cut around the outside shape.

Cutting out the middle part of my mosquito coil holder

1. I glued my 1:1 template onto the resin part of my mosquito coil as it will work as a guide for me to cut around it.

Pillar drill : Pillar drill are used to drill holes into objects and material such as resins. The table on the Pillar drill are adjustable depending of how big your object is and by turning the handwheel the drill moves up and down allowing you to go as deep as you want.

2. After succesfully cutting around the out side of my mosquito coil holder, we use the drill machine to make a hole within the part where the mosquito coil's supposed to be visible and then I detached the saw from the scroll saw and inserted into the recently drilled hole allowing me to cut inside the shape without having to cut through from outside the shape. Afterward I used the round sided File to file my mosquito coil holder's handle to give it a round shape.

Files : Files are used to remove unnecessary parts or the mistake done by us this can be done by moving the Files up and down your object at an angle untill the bit sticking out dissapeared. 


To make my mosquito coil holder smooth I used the wet and dry sand paper and dip in water this is to keep the dust level down this works because the dust gets heavier as it makes contact with water. I chose the lowest number sand paper and slowly moved to a higher number one.

Sand papers : Sand papers are used for making smooth textures this works because when we're rubbing it against our material the friction created from the sand paper and the material caused a tiny layer of wood/resin to be remove making it smoother.

Numbers can be seen on the back of sand papers this indicates how many grains of sand is on the paper meaning the higher the number is the less you can feel the sand because of how small it is.

Hand sander : Hand sanders are used for efficiently sanding different materials this is done because the sand paper attached underneath the Hand sanders vibrates at a decent speed removing materials in the process.

While sanding my work I've realize that some of the resin got over my wood and is making different tones of colour on my wood how ever this can be easily fixed with a Hand sander.

After I finished sanding I placed a pointy metal rod on my resin and hit it a few time with a mallet in order to leave a mark showing where I should drill a hole for the pin to go through however, I must've hit it too hard causing the resin to break.

This could easily be fixed by using an already mixed resin as glue to keep the resin together. While waiting for my glue to set I also decided to apply a thin layer of resin on top of my mosquito coil holder to fill in the scratches made from sanding the resins.

After I glued the handle back onto the mosquito coil holder I used a dull headed drill to create a slight curved around the hole I recently drilled this is for when the pin is inserted it wouldn't stick out.



This is the before and after of the sanding process. As you can see the picture on the left shows mostly the entire mosquito coil holder being covered in resin this could easily be fix by pressing it firmly against a sanding machine this works because a sanding machine spins at a fast speed causing its rough texture to rub against my mosquito coil holder getting rid of the resin afterward I go over the sand paper from lowest number to the highest number over and over again in order to get rid of as much resin as possible.

The sanding machine couldn't get to some of the resin however this could be easily fix by using a hand sander.

The brasso is a liquid that contains microscopic grains and works similar to a sand paper. The reason I poured the Brasso into the cap before pouring it onto the tissue is because too much Brasso came out causing it to spilled every where.

A small amount of Brasso is then applied to the tissue before being rub against the resin what this does is it polishes the resin giving it a shiny look.

Afterward I added a small amount of oil onto a cut up T-Shirt before applying it to the wood this is done to moisturize the wood also giving it a shiny look.

The 3 pieces then gets glued together by using resins just like how we fix our crack sadly I didnt have any pictures for this process due to having to rush because the time is running out. Afterward, I quickly sand the side down so it's lines up equally.