2D to 3D shapes


Onshape is CAD program (Computer-aided design). A product development platforms that allows users to create 3D models. Therefore, I will be using Onshape in order to convert my 2D sketches into 3D shapes in this lesson.

To begin, I downloaded my 2D Basic Shapes Sketching work from Google Classroom on to the school's computer. Next, I utilized the 'insert image' option in Onshape which will download the image onto Onshape allowing the user to drag and dropped the image into the CAD program. However, before doing so the 'sketch' option and 'front plane' has to be selected. This allows me to click or reposition the image.

To resize the image, I picked the center line of the Rectangle/Cylinder shape and dragging it straight down. Next, I used the dimension tool which is located on the top center of the Onshape program. This allow me to resize the shapes to its realistic size which is about 50-70mm.

To create the Cylinder, I started by selecting 'sketch' and adding it to the Front plane. Afterward I find where the center line of my shape is in order to use it as a guideline to draw half of the shape.

I then need to use the revolve tool which is located on the top left of the screen and selecting my axis line which is my center line.

The first few step of this shape is very similar to the Cylinder. However, instead of drawing the entire half of the shape I leave out the Cylinder part or the handle.

After completing the sketch I select the revolve tool which allow me to revolve the shape around the axis which is the center line.

To create the handle I needed to create a separate sketch and then repeating the process of sketching half of the Cylinder and revolving it.

However 3D modelling the Cube is completely different due to the shape not having any rounded edges so instead of sketching half of the shape I sketched the entire Square.

I then used the 'extrude' tool instead of the 'revolve'. After utilizing the extrude tool I selected symmetry this mirrored my shape onto the other side creating a Cube.

Now in order to round the edges, I selected all the edges and used the 'fillet' tool this allow me to resize the fillet by dragging it in and out.

After finishing all the models I selected the cube on the top right corner of my screen and turned perspective on as well as the hidden edges remove option which will make my 3D models appear as outlines. Afterward I screenshotted my work and imported onto procreate.


STEP 1 : To render the first layer of each shape I chose where my lighting is, In this case it's hovering above the shapes and is slightly located to the left. Next, I used light grey Marker to outline the entire shape this is because the shape is Cylindrical meaning the sides curves behind the shape making it darker.

It's also important for me to remember that the area on the part of the shape that's folded under another should be shaded darker this is because the light source isn't touching the area, An example of this can be seen on the images above. 

STEP 2 : To avoid worker on the same layer I locked the layer I'm no longer working on this means I can no longer edit the layer until it has been unlocked. In order to give my 3D rendering more depth and a more realistic look I selected a darker shade of grey by dragging the colour picker directly down.

STEP 3 : It's also important to add background shadows in order to make the shapes look as if it's popping up from the white background. This can be done by using an airbrush with low opacity around the shape. To avoid the shadows entering the inside of the shape I used the masking tool to select the background and preventing the outside shadows going inside.

STEP 4 : Afterward, I utilized the masking tool again in order to create colour blocks outside the shapes. This is to add the more depth to the shapes.

STEP 5 : To add colours to the blocks I duplicated the original guidelines and merged it with the boxes this is so I can select the blocks and fill the boxes using  neutral colours


Without colour blocks

I've decided to change my colour blocks to a brighter colour so it's less boring to view.