B - 3rd Lent

Zeal for Christ

In worship this week, we're looking ahead to the Third Sunday of Lent (Year B). We hear the famous account of Jesus cleansing the temple: driving out the merchants and money changers who are pursuing their profits in the Lord's house. It's an important reminder that we all feel zealous about different issues and injustices in our world - I'm sure God does too!

We are asking children this week to become more attuned to the feelings of zeal, anger and injustice. Recognising these emotions and learning to turn these feelings into positive actions, rather than allowing them to boil over into bad choices, is a great way to build our relationship with God.

Jay to the Rescue!

After all my ranting and raving in worship yesterday, it looks like young Jay has put me to shame. He had already spent his weekend turning his zeal for the health of the environment into positive action.

Awesome job Jay - well done!

A Story for St David

Kicking off our Book Week celebrations, with an "Around the World" theme, Mrs Johnson retells the story of Dilwyn the Welsh Dragon to celebrate St David's Day!

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Lent 2021 - Virtual Lenten Calendar

Lenten Calendar

The second half of the Spring Term is dedicated to the season of Lent: a precious time of prayer, fasting and giving in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

This year, following on from the success of our Advent Old Testament stories in December, the wonderful team at St Joseph's have prepared a Lenten calendar to take us through the next six weeks.

As you engage in the daily reflections and activities, you and your family will discover plenty of ways to pray, fast and give more this Lent. Do let us know how you get on and which activities speak clearest to you.

Rights in Reception

Following Friday's assembly on rights, Reception decided to come up with a prayer for those that may not have food or are hungry in the world. Friday's focus looked at the ABCDE of children's rights - with an emphasis on A (rights are for all).

Children in Reception discussed the idea that all children should be able to enjoy life knowing that they will have enough to eat and that nobody should feel hungry.

What a great example of turning your zeal into action Reception!

March’s ‘Right of the Month’ and ‘Wellness Warrior Challenge’ is:

Article 6: You have a right to life, survival and development.

During this month we celebrate: Earth Hour on 27th March. This is a WWF event to raise awareness for climate change issues across the globe. We will mark this occasion by switching off our lights, whiteboards and plugs to save electricity on Friday 26th.

Perhaps this month, measure your family’s carbon footprint and make some simple changes to your lifestyles?

Or read WWF’S top 10 tips for eating more sustainably: https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/10-tips-help-you-eat-more-sustainably?pc=

Remember, small changes can make a big difference to reducing climate change.

Turning anger into action

In Witness Worship this week, Miss Basham shares with us the powerful story of a young woman who is feeling very angry about a serious injustice in our world: climate change.

Greta Thunberg has inspired millions of people around the globe to turn their anger into action instead of accepting defeat. She takes a stand, makes her point and insists that others pay attention and join her cause. Greta is a great example of how zeal can bring about positive change that will help to make our world a better place.

CB - witness assembly
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Around the World!

Continuing our Book Week theme, Miss Young takes us on a journey around the world with Emma Jane and her aeroplane...and a few uninvited guests!

A trip to Mexico...

In tonight's bedtime story, we take a trip to Mexico, to celebrate Día de los Muertos with Miguel and his great-grandmother Coco...and Mr Collins!

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A day of firsts

Today's story comes from Mr Barrett, our Chair of Governors. The Proudest Blue is an exciting story of new beginnings: for Asiya's it's her first hijab, for her little sister it's her first day of school - both bring their excitements and challenges...

From Bishop Richard

A reassuring, prayerful and motivating message from Bishop Richard to inspire us all on our return to school next Monday.

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Awesome Computer Women!

Mrs Dollner opens our eyes at the end of this year's Book Week to some awesome women who were great at maths, dedicated to their work and determined to make the world a better place.

Here's to Dorothy, Mary, Catherine and Christine...and Mrs Dollner (she's really good at maths too!)

The B of Rights

Returning to our ABCDE of Right, this week's focus is B - for "birth". All children have rights from birth; they are inherent. In this week's assembly, "Miss Rightcroft" and Miss Longman explore how we can see rights in action all around us, from the birth of some very special young people all the way through to adulthood.

There are also some very cute baby videos in this week's assembly!

B Assembly

Champion of Home Learning!

A HUGE well done to Mason for all of his hard work during school closure.

Mrs Johnson has been so impressed with how conscientious he has been with his learning, and I can absolutely see why!

Absolutely fantastic work, Mason!