B - 5th Ordinary

Visiting Christ

As we look ahead to the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B), we learn that Christ brought hope and healing to the communities around Galilee when he set off with his disciples to visit the people. In sharing his time, talents and knowledge with them, Jesus revealed God's love too.

We also have special powers when we visit others - bringing joy, laughter (and sometimes cake!) to friends and family when we take the time to visit. It's easy to overlook the happiness and love we can share when we visit others and, in doing so, we reveal a little more about God's love too.

We're asking the children this week to think about the people they enjoy visiting - both now and in "normal" times. We're also encouraging them to consider the ways Christ might visit them in their lives.

Looking for a good book?

Lilian has kindly sent in this recommendation. She was so excited to read this Roald Dahl classic that she wanted to share it with the world! In a time when our visits to friends and family are limited, it's a great opportunity to visit an entirely different world instead.

Thanks so much for taking the time and care to share your suggestion Lilian. I'm going to get stuck right in...

February’s ‘Right of the Month’ and ‘Wellness Warrior Challenge’ is:

Article 31: You have the right to play, relax and take part in a variety of activities.

During this month, we celebrate ‘Time to Talk’ day on Thursday 4th February. Sitting down for a meal and talking with your family is really important as it allows you to discuss feelings and worries. Why don’t you try cooking a new recipe together and enjoy eating this as a family. Let us know what you cook! We would love to see pictures.

Alternatively, you may like to send in pictures/certificates or trophies of activities you like to take part in or your favourite toys at home.

Remember, article 31- It brings you FUN!

Visiting the world

Mrs Baston leads us in worship today, as she continues this week's theme of visiting. She introduces us to the most remarkable man - David Nott - a talented surgeon who spends his spare time visiting the most desperate and needy people across the world.

David visits war zones to support the hospital staff who are operating on civilians injured in conflict. He offers his time, talents and teaching to ensure those hurt by war can still feel God's love too. What a powerful visitor!

Mrs Baston also introduces us to some really gorgeous puppies in this week's Witness Worship!

Witness assembly - Visitors

Wellness in Action

The staff team have received some wonderful responses to the wellness warrior challenge this month - thank you for taking part! It's great to see children talking more about their rights and the rights of all children around the world as they engage in these activities.

Here's Aoife with her tray of freshly baked cookies to celebrate Article 31: You have the right to play, relax and take part in a variety of activities.

Yum! - They look delicious!

A visit from the post officer...

The school team want to say a big, "Thank you!" to all the Reception children who have posted a letter this week!

All the postal workers have been very speedy collecting the letters from the post box, sorting them at the sorting office and getting them delivered to the school. It's been a great surprise receiving this exciting post, thank you!

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Unity in Year 6

Teachers in Year 6 were so inspired by this beautiful response to their latest RE topic - Unity. Hannah has explored the many different ways we can express and celebrate unity in the world around us, especially in our daily lives and community groups.

What a creative soul!

Visiting the Owl Babies

With thanks to Mrs Gillingham for this week's bedtime story, Owl Babies. And look - the owl family has visited the Nursery sofa too!

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