Dying, to live in Christ

In this week's Gospel (5th Sunday of Lent, Year B) Jesus leaves us with the powerful metaphor of the grain of wheat: if it dies, it will live. It is only when the grain of wheat "dies" and falls from the plant that it can have the opportunity to grow into something new!

It's an almost impossible concept to comprehend; we need to die in order to live - just like Christ modelled for us! To access this deep layer of thinking, we are using the example of bad habits with the children. When our bad habits "die" we are able to enjoy fuller, happier, healthier life.

So, we are challenging the children to recognise and overcome their bad habits this week in order to experiences the joys of a better life that follow. It would appear that I also need to take up this challenge...

B - 5th Lent
Lent 2021 - Virtual Lenten Calendar

Lenten Calendar

The second half of the Spring Term is dedicated to the season of Lent: a precious time of prayer, fasting and giving in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

This year, following on from the success of our Advent Old Testament stories in December, the wonderful team at St Joseph's have prepared a Lenten calendar to take us through the next six weeks.

As you engage in the daily reflections and activities, you and your family will discover plenty of ways to pray, fast and give more this Lent. Do let us know how you get on and which activities speak clearest to you.

ABCD of Rights

In our RRS focus this week, we are exploring the D of children's rights: they do not need to be earnt.

Miss Longman & Miss Rycroft, with the help of Ralph, explain that children's rights are unconditional: there are no restrictions, limitations or rules that can prevent children accessing their rights. They are free (and free from red tape!)

However, along with these unconditional rights comes the duty to respect them appropriately and ensure others also receive their rights without needing to earn them.

D Assembly

PFSA Playtime

The children are loving the new woodland themed play area and story space on the Infant Field - all made possible thanks to your generous donations to the PFSA. Thank you parents!

We are eager to see every inch of space maximised and beautified on our fabulous site for the benefit for our children. There are plenty more pockets of land around the school that could be transformed with a little investment and imagination!

Celebrating St Joseph!

Today (19th March) marks the solemnity of St Joseph, during a special year themed by Pope Francis as the "Year of St Joseph". We have enjoyed a day full of prayer, craft and celebration in order to better understand this great man and his qualities. We are excited to be celebrating a live streamed Mass with the Catholic Parish of Guildford later in the day - do join us if you can: https://www.cpg.church/live.html

A sparkly story

The wonderful Mrs Meadows shares this week's bedtime story: NEVER Say No To A Princess.

029 Friday 19th March.MOV