B - 2nd Lent

The Wonders of Christ

In worship this week, we encounter the amazing event of the transfiguration. In the presence of his disciples, Jesus is transformed: his clothes shine a brilliant white and a voice from heaven calls, "This is my beloved son, listen to him." Peter is moved by this remarkable experience and says to Jesus, "It is wonderful to be here."

We're taking the theme of wonder as our focus this week. It's important to be grateful people, who acknowledge God's work in our lives and the blessings he bestows on us. We're asking the children this week to consider the wonderful experiences, opportunities and people in their lives. Learning to acknowledge the wonders all around us is a powerful way of boosting our mental health and maintaining a positive outlook.

Year 4's Wonderful Poetry

Last week, Year 4 were writing their own versions of two wonderful poems. The first was 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright and the second was 'Louder than a clap of thunder' by Jack Prelutsky.

The children's versions were absolutely mesmerising: creative and comical! They were a joy to read (and watch!)

The Magic Box poem is from Amelia and the Louder Than poem is from Natalia. Well done to all of Year 4 for giving it their best effort!

'Cuter than' by NF.MOV
Lent 2021 - Virtual Lenten Calendar

Lenten Calendar

The second half of the Spring Term is dedicated to the season of Lent: a precious time of prayer, fasting and giving in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

This year, following on from the success of our Advent Old Testament stories in December, the wonderful team at St Joseph's have prepared a Lenten calendar to take us through the next six weeks.

As you engage in the daily reflections and activities, you and your family will discover plenty of ways to pray, fast and give more this Lent. Do let us know how you get on and which activities speak clearest to you.

You are invited...

From the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, an invitation to engage in their Lenten programme of formation. Featuring weekly speakers and small group discussion, this invitation forms part of the Diocese's long term vision of Prayer, Formation & Mission.

You can find out more about the Diocesan vision here:


And sign up for the Invited Lent 2021 course here:


Witness B - 2nd Sunday of Lent

The Wonders of the World!

In this week's Witness Worship, we continue the theme of WONDER in God's creation and focus on how, whenever we see something wonderful in the world, we see God. As we explore places around the world, from snow-covered trees in back gardens to exotic beaches on the other side of the globe, we remember that we must also protect this precious world.

The witnesses of Hugo Tagholm and the charity 'Surfers Against Sewage' are inspirational examples of how we can 'do our bit' to look after the wonders of God's creation.

The Wonderful Seaside!

Year 2 have been looking for a more creative way to explore the key words for their new Geography topic - the seaside. It's a shame not to be able to enjoy the coast in person right now but the Year 2 home learning contributions to defining key geographical terms was awesome! Well done.

ABCDE of Rights

Continuing our mission to bring UNICEF Rights of the Child into the hearts, minds and souls of every member of the St Joseph's family, the wonderful Miss Rycroft and Miss Longman have prepared a series of assemblies to help deepen our appreciation of this life-affirming topic.

Starting with A - this week we remember that Right are for All. No matter a child's race, religion, culture, personal circumstances, rights are universal. It's important that we all acknowledge that rights belong to all children and we should work hard to make sure that message is heard and understood around the world.

A- Assembly

The Wonders of Lent

It has been an absolute joy to see children responding to our Lenten calendar challenges. This week, we've asked children to make Lenten promises, fill up a grateful jar, give up some loose change, create a cross and write their own Big Question.

Here are the responses from Dhaniel in Year 4, who has been engaging with the daily challenges and has really impressed the staff team. His commitment to Lent has even earned him a Bronze House Point! - Awesome work Dhaniel!

Time to get active?

Active Surrey are launching a virtual Cross Country Challenge! St Joseph's normally takes part in multiple cross-country races with local schools across the Autumn and Spring Terms.

You can enjoy your daily exercise, submit your times and distances to Active Surrey and they will let St Joseph's know how active we are and how we compare to other schools across the county.

022 Friday 26th February.mov

The Wonders of Shape

Join Mrs Barrett on a bedtime adventure to explore the wonderful world of geometry...