The Delight of Christ

We're celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord this week in school, as we hear that the kings were delighted on seeing the star appear in the sky, knowing what its light heralded.

Despite the many challenges facing our world at the moment, there is still so much to delight in and it's important that we help our children to focus in on the many blessings and opportunities that fill our hearts with delight each day.

We're also asking the children this week to consider what actions they are taking that will allow others to delight in them. How are we affecting the lives of others and filling their hearts, minds and souls with delight?

B - Epiphany

WOW Travel Tracker

This year we are encouraging children to walk, scoot, cycle or park and stride to school! Maybe this could be your family's new year resolution as part of our Wellness Warrior Challenge? To encourage the children - if they walk to school at least once a week each week for a month - they will receive a badge at the end of the month. These badges are all made from recycled yoghurt pots in Cornwall!

Mental wellbeing is so important and it is crucial for all children to understand that looking after your physical health is just as important as your mental health.

Therefore, we are introducing a Mindful Monday and Feel Good Friday to all classrooms. On a Monday and Friday, each class will take a few minutes to complete a wellness activity. This might be breathing exercises, stretching, writing about 1 thing they love about themselves etc. Do ask your child about what they did and maybe you could try it at home too!

Delighting Others

In Witness Worship this week, Miss Moore introduces us to the remarkable figure of Dr Barnardo; a man who was less than delighted by the needs in his community and worked tirelessly to bring about hope.

Today, his legacy has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of young people, bringing delight into their lives again. What an amazing man!

We'd like the children this week to consider what action they are taking to delight others. It might be a great opportunity to share with them how delighted you would feel by the way in which they engage with their home learning? - Good luck!

Witness Worship - Delight

Rachel's 5 Rings

In her home learning this week, Rachel has been exploring the different combinations that make five. She used the left over Christmas decorations to make paperchains of five from different combinations of colours, including:

4 yellow + 1 pink

3 yellow + 2 blue

1 blue (light) + 1 green + 1 yellow + 1 pink + 1 blue (dark)

She also made a crown because she's a mermaid princess!

Great work Rachel!

Super Galvin to the Rescue!

What better way to end such a busy week than with Mrs Galvin and Supertato...and Grace (the dog)?

016 Friday 8th January.MOV