B - Holy Week

Christ's Perfect Love

As we look ahead to the last worship of the Spring Term, and indeed the last worship of this Lenten season, we focus on the events of Holy Week (primarily the example of Christ at Maundy Thursday).

"Maundy" is a Latin word, meaning rule or commandment. Jesus offers us a new commandment as he prepares to celebrate Passover with his disciples. He shows them an example of his perfect love - the service of others - as he washes their feet.

We are called this week to try and access something of that perfect love too. It comes most closely into focus when we take the time and care to serve others in our community. We are hoping our children will identify ways this week that they can reenact Christ's perfect love in our world.

A Dramatic Bunch

What a joy to hear the cheers, laughter and gasps of live performance in Year 6 last week. Celebrating the end of their epic Macbeth project, they took to the stage to enact some of the most memorable scenes. Despite knowing the play so well now, it was still so fresh and vibrant to see it performed lived and with such energy!

What a dramatic bunch they are!

Perfect Books!

The Reception children absolutely loved celebrating the end of their 'Books Around the World' topic with a Bedtime Story Day. During this topic they read lots of different books such as "Don't Spill the Milk" set in Niger, Africa and "The Magic Paintbrush" which is set in China. Today they made reading dens, acted out stories with toys, read so many books and even made their own books too! All while being extra snuggly in their pajamas!

Reading is so important and listening to books 3-5 times a week can help improve a child's reading age by 6 months!

Love one another...

In Witness Worship this week, Miss Green introduces us to the fact that we can see slices of Christ's perfect love in our community, all around us. Whenever we love our neighbour as ourself, we are living out that new commandment - love one another as I have loved you. We have seen, throughout the pandemic, community groups stepping up to witness to that golden rule.

Miss Green shares with us the story of Max, a young man looking for adventure, who has raised over half a million pounds for charity in memory of his good friend and neighbour who died of cancer last year.

What an inspiration and a model of perfect love!

Witness B - Holy Week
Lent 2021 - Virtual Lenten Calendar

Lenten Calendar

The second half of the Spring Term is dedicated to the season of Lent: a precious time of prayer, fasting and giving in preparation for the celebration of Easter.

This year, following on from the success of our Advent Old Testament stories in December, the wonderful team at St Joseph's have prepared a Lenten calendar to take us through the next six weeks.

As you engage in the daily reflections and activities, you and your family will discover plenty of ways to pray, fast and give more this Lent. Do let us know how you get on and which activities speak clearest to you.

Our Thanks, from the Governing Body...

Easter 2021
Way of the Cross 2021

The Way of the Cross

Once again, we find ourselves unable to share with you the solemn events of Holy Week in the way we would like to. However, the opportunity to share this story virtually has afforded the staff and children time to express the great mystery of Easter in new, creative and artistic ways.

We pray that you too will be able to journey with Christ this week, using these beautiful reflections from the children.

In response, we are collecting donations for Mary's Meals - our Lenten charity for 2021. Parents will be invited to make a donation through our Way of the Cross appeal on ParentMail.

Wishing you all a blessed Easter!

Piotr's Perfect Love

A beautiful example of the Stations of the Cross, created by Piotr and family, to share with his Year 1 class. Piotr was so eager to learn more about the Easter story and share these remarkable events with his friends that he went the extra mile at home.

Well done Piotr and God bless you!

April’s ‘Right of the Month’ and ‘Wellness Warrior Challenge’ is:

Article 24: You have a right to the best health possible and to medical care and information that will help you to stay well.

You may like to celebrate World Health Day on 7th April.

In this country we are so lucky to have a national health service, so here are some amazing facts about it:

  • The NHS was launched on July 5th 1948

  • The first heart transplant in the UK took place on May 3 1968 at the National Heart Hospital in Marylebone, London.

  • The NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours

  • Full-time GPs treat an average of 255 patients a week.

Why not support a health charity this Lent, such as Water Aid or UNICEF? Alternatively, you might like to find out some information about the NHS. They have been particularly wonderful during these difficult times!

A disgusting end to the week!

With thanks to Mrs Lewis for sharing this revolting story with us! - It's disgusting!

031 Thursday 1st April.MOV

WOW Badges!

Today many children will have received a WOW badge. Can you recognise the famous landmark on it? This walk to school initiative is to encourage children to make an active journey to school at least once a week for a month. This might be walking, scooting, cycling or getting on a bus. We understand that some of you will need to drive, why not park and stride? This means parking a little bit further away from school (Co-op or surrounding areas) and walking the remainder of the way.

What are the benefits of walking to school?

Walking to school helps children feel happier and healthier and they arrive refreshed, fit and ready to learn. More families walking means fewer cars on the road during the school run, helping to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates. Well done to all the children who have gained a badge this month!

Did you know?

The WOW badges are made using excess yoghurt-pot material previously destined for landfill and are produced in the UK, minimising our carbon footprint. The packaging used is 100% biodegradable.