A - Christ the King

Christ our neighbour

Looking ahead to this weekend's solemnity of Christ the King, we all grow another year older in the Church. It is the celebration of the end of Year A and a timely reminder that the season of Advent is soon upon us.

After reading this week's Gospel, I fished out the lost property I had dumped in the school bins. I had come to understand that saying, "This isn't my jumper and it's not my problem" is precisely the kind of behaviour that we are called to avoid. Christ wants us to understand that he is present in all people - nomatter their life choices - and so the way we treat others is the way we treat God.

We're asking the children this week what they do for Christ.

Odd One Out

As we learn a little bit more about the presence of Christ in every person this week, we also celebrate Anti-Bullying Week (which kicks off, as ever, with Odd Sock Day). It's a great opportunity to remember that we are all unique and special. No two of us is the same. This difference is something to celebrate and cherish.

Classes will be taking some time this week to engage in the theme of United Against Bullying by exploring the many ways we can respond positively and proactively to avoid and call out behaviours that hurt our community.

You might enjoy tuning in to Andy and the Odd Sock Band at home?

Witness Assembly - Christ the King

Living for Christ

Continuing the theme of Christ our neighbour, Miss Rycroft leads this week's Witness Worship. She explores the idea that the way we treat other people is the way we treat God - so thinking carefully about our behaviour choices is important.

She invites Fr Thomas to share some reflections as this week's witness. It's a joy to hear about the different things he has done for Christ and, in turn, the blessings he sees Christ has bestowed upon him.

We're looking forward to celebrating a live-streamed Mass with Fr Thomas, in a couple of weeks' time, to mark the start of Advent!

The Jopson Cookies!

This week's Virtual Cooking Club instalment is from the talented baker, Mrs Jopson, demonstrating how to make the famous 'Jopson Cookies'!

We would love to know if you have tried making these at home. Feel free to send in a picture to:


Keep an eye on the Blog for more virtual club offers coming soon.

2. Cooking with Mrs Jopson.mov
Advent 2020 - OT Stories

The waiting starts now...

A little premature, but we need to start early to fit it all in! This Advent, we will be sharing with children the stories of the Old Testament as presented in this beautiful edition of the Bible: The Jesus Storybook Bible. We will follow God's plan for salvation and hear how each moment from the Old Testament offers us a sign of hope for the coming of the Messiah.

Because our weekly worships are Gospel focused, we don't often get the chance to examine the Old Testament in chronological order, so this Advent gives us a rare opportunity to really understand what the bigger story of the Bible is all about.

5J's Neighbours

Ending this week's worship theme, St John's Class offer us the most personal and inspiring message of neighbourly love. Starting with a little help from our friends, 5J help us to see that we don't always take the time or care to notice Christ in those around us but, when we engage in relationships with others, we start to see more clearly the work of God's Holy Spirit in all the people we meet.

Thank you, 5J, for being such great neighbours to us. Your worship has helped the rest of the school to see how we can be a better neighbours to others, and so a better neighbour to Christ.

Class Assembly 5J

National Youth Sunday

Today, Friday 20th November, is our diocesan day of prayer for schools. This is a time when we can reflect on preparing for Advent and the hope that it brings. Bishop Richard has recorded a Podcast, to use as a reflection on the virtue of hope, a gift from God.

This links directly to National Youth Sunday, on 22nd November which helps us to reflect on the joy that the hope of Christ born to man brings us. There's so much going on to support the youth of our parish, which you can discover on the Catholic Parish of Guildford website.

Why not paint a pebble with key words of Faith, Hope, Love and Joy or images from the Gospel? I'd love to see your creations so please send to jbirtles@stjosephsguildford.com

PFSA Rainbow Mufti!

Just an excuse to bring some colour into an otherwise gloomy Autumn week, the PFSA thought it would be the perfect homage to a year when the rainbow has meant so much to so many. What a bright bunch we are! And, parents, thank you kindly for the generous donations too!

011 Friday 20th November.MOV

A bedtime bottom story!

On the riskier side this week, a bedtime story not for the faint hearted! Mrs Payne shares the unique genre of toilet humour with us. Enjoy!