Cruz, Jon

Interview Summary: Jon grew up in the Rio Grande Valley and came to St. Edward’s with help from the College Assistance Migrant Program in 1978. Jon originally did not imagine himself attending college, and believed he would still be working in the fields without this program. During his time at St. Edward’s, Jon made incredible bonds with his CAMP group and considers them to be family. Looking back, Jon considered himself to be very popular at St. Edward’s and felt that getting involved in clubs was necessary for one’s social life, as he felt there was not many activities to do outside of campus. He also reflects on the growth the university experienced when transitioning from the control of the Brothers of the Holy Cross, to President Patricia Hayes.

Interviewer: Jessica Wilson

Date of Interview: February 16, 2019

Location of Interview: Munday Library, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX

Interview Transcriptions