Brooks, Canon

Interview Summary: Prior to coming to St. Edward’s, Canon was politically active and chose St. Edward’s for its closeness and location in Austin. His family was also very close with President LBJ!  During his interview, Canon retells the story of how the class of 1970 was crucial in preserving St. Edward’s as an institution and shaping it into the university it is today. Canon was greatly involved in the campus’s student government and even drafted a constitution that allowed students to become more involved in the decision making on campus and for students to be seen as equals to the administration. St. Edward’s also influenced him in other ways, including leading him on the path to becoming a Episcopalian priest.

Interviewer: Colleen Cawthon

Date of Interview: February 15, 2020

Location of Interview: Munday Library, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX

Interview Transcription