PYD Regional Trainers

Colorado is recognized as a leader in promoting and operationalizing PYD at the state, local and community level. PYD has become a highly recognized and frequently requested training. To meet these training demands and increase the trainings’ relevance to regional needs, CDPHE has created a regionalized PYD Training System. Regional trainers, equipped with content and regional expertise support training facilitation across the State of Colorado. 

This page is designed for PYD Regional Trainers to provide training resources and allow shared learning.

All the materials needed to host a regional PYD 101 training.

Resources and recordings from all of the PYD community of practice calls. 

Evaluation resources and information to include in PYD 101 trainings.

Guidance to recertify as a regional PYD 101 trainer. 

Background information, training resources and tools to enhance PYD 101 trainings.