Part III

Step 1: Scope the Opportunity

Define the Problem to be Solved

Purpose and Importance

The Scope step in the process is where we define the problem to be solved. This can be simple or much harder than it seems. It is critical that we 1) work on problems that are important, 2) diagnose the “real” issue(s) at hand, 3) have a good understanding of what “better” means, and 4) attack the problem at the right level of detail. Without this clarity, we can waste time on activities that do not benefit ourselves or our customers.

Relevant Tools

Scope the opportunity relevant tools

Note: This list is not exhaustive. You may wish to apply other tools during this step to identify and prioritize projects.

Guiding Questions

Activity Checklist—Scope the Opportunity

1. The project has been effectively titled using a verb (what we want to do) + noun (what do we want to impact or improve?)

2. The current situation has been described, including the perceived issues

3. The process’ internal and/or external customers have been identified and consulted

4. Process boundaries have been clearly defined

5. Process measurement(s) has (have) been established to visually display current performance trends and track the impact of future improvements

6. The targeted outcomes and deliverables for the project have been defined

Perils and Pitfalls

Go Slow to Go Fast

Each organization has an abundance of improvement opportunities that can be addressed with a little attention, action, and follow through. However, some require a more structured, comprehensive approach. Use criteria on page 8 of this guide to choose the right path. 

Listen to Your Customers

Improving performance requires a strong understanding of what is important to your customer. Every work unit has a combination of internal and external customers (end users). It is the external customers who determine what constitutes value in the process.

Establish Clear Boundaries and Success Measures

Processes that are best improved occur frequently enough to be observed and documented. Change agents should establish clear process boundaries and assure that success is measured (e.g., time savings, quality, speed).

Step 2: Organize the Resources

Make a Plan and Engage the Right People

Purpose and Importance

The Organize step identifies the individuals impacted by this process, from the manager to frontline leaders to the customer, and ensures that there is a plan to engage them in the process. Some people will be directly involved in the SOLVE work while others simply must be informed of the effort. Roles and responsibilities are established during this step and it is also the step in which we plan for group problem solving activities.

Relevant Tools

Organize the resources relevant tools

Guiding Questions

Activity Checklist—Organize the Resources

1. Executive Sponsor identified and coached regarding resource requirements and their role

2. Project Leader identified and coached regarding implementation ownership, metric definition, and project team requirements

3. Core Team Members selected that, together, have complete knowledge of the process and issues

4. Extended Members selected and are available to provide expertise, data and insights during the project

5. Lean Champion/Facilitator identified who has sufficient knowledge and experience for the scale of the project

6. Project Scope Sheet finalized, now including the name of all team members and a plan for all group activities (core team and, if required, steering committee)

7. Communication Plan created and messages drafted, notifying the organization of the project and the participants of the expectations and timing

Perils and Pitfalls

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

Take the time to define the “why” before you explain the “what”. Deliver a consistent message through multiple communication channels (e.g., meetings, newsletters), creating opportunity for dialogue rather than just information sharing.

Engage those that Can, Care, and Know 

Lean is unique in its egalitarian views. Members from all levels of the organization, representing differing functions and departments come together to give experience and expertise in attacking the opportunity. 

Employ Influencers 

There are people whose titles do not reflect their stature in the organization. Identify these people and enlist their support for the effort. Others may look to these “informal leaders” for information, so make sure they have it. 

Plan Group Work Carefully

Balance the pace of group sessions. Multi-day sessions advance concepts quickly, but they can also cause stress on the operation and don’t always provide for in-process engagement of others in the workplace. Several shorter sessions may be preferred. 

Step 3: Lean It!

Apply Lean Tools to Identify Potential Solutions

Purpose and Importance

The Lean It! step is the point in the SOLVE method where employee teams use Lean tools to identify and address waste. One or more group sessions are typically held to gain a common understanding of the process, raise awareness of the issues, and define potential solutions.

More important than any one particular Lean tool is that the team zeros in on the root causes of issues and identifies solutions that, together, make an impact on the problem (core success measures).

Relevant Tools

Lean it relevant tools

Note: This list is not exhaustive. You may wish to apply other tools during this step. 

Guiding Questions

Activity Checklist - Lean it!

1. Customer-defined value has been identified and discussed

2. Process steps and activities have been discussed, documented, and measured

3. Process waste, complexity, and ambiguity have been identified and discussed.

4. Root cause determination has been discussed and deliberated

5. Solution ideas that address waste and root cause have been generated

6. Solution ideas have been evaluated (sized) and prioritized

7. Appropriate Lean tools have been used

8. Improvement strategies, tactics, and measures have been discussed and documented to prepare for testing (next step)

Perils and Pitfalls

Pursue the Root Cause

Using Lean tools to address the symptoms of the problem will not “solve” the problem; you must address the root cause.

Don't Let Perfect Get in the Way of Better

The team may identify solutions that are technically better but are not accepted or agreed upon. Reach consensus to test of tools, it is a way of thinking but don’t stop there. Recognize that our goal is to certain improvements. Eighty percent (80%) of the value today is better than 100% sometimes!

Lean Tools ≠ Lean Organization

A Lean organization is more than a set – a cultural change. Tools raise awareness continually make things better for our customers and employees, so keep people engaged and look for opportunities for the next round of improvement.

Step 4: Verify the Impact

Test to Make Sure Our Fixes Work

Purpose and Importance

Verify the Impact is the step in the SOLVE process where we measure the impact of our proposed solutions. Our goal is to validate that the solutions work as planned and/or learn what we must do to ensure that they do. This step is your opportunity to engage people in refining the solutions, to broaden your audience and engage people in making the effort a success. You may encounter resistance, but don’t stop or avoid it. Resistance is usually just an unmet need, so engage to learn the root cause of resistance and work to overcome it.

Relevant Tools

Verify the impact relevant tools

Guiding Questions

Activity Checklist - Verify the Impact

Perils and Pitfalls

Beware the Conference Room Solution

Take the time to define the “why” before you explain the “what”. Deliver a consistent message Some things look good on paper but don’t translate to the real work environment. Be humble in your testing -process adjustments plan, making sure that you build in time to make in required to fine tune the solution. multiple communication channels (e.g., meetings, newsletters), creating opportunity for dialogue rather than just information sharing.

Communicate, Again

Lean is unique in its egalitarian views. Members from all levels of the organization, representing differing functions and departments come together to give experience and Make sure to update your communication plan to Improvements have been implemented with effective Lean Project Leader oversight and according to milestones help prepare impacted people in the workplace for the pilot effort. Test for comprehension through dialogue. The success of your solution may depend upon them following the plan, so invest time to ensure they are well prepared. in attacking the opportunity. 

 Anticipate Push Back

Failure to address the people side of the change will result in resistance to the adoption and use of the improvement. Instead, engage to understand the nature of the resistance. You may be able to accommodate feedback into an even better solution.

Be Realistic

Develop an implementation plan that acknowledges other priorities in the workplace. Gain project leader and sponsor approval to test and implement solutions to avoid uncertainty and frustration.

Step 5: Ensure Sustainment

Make it Stick

Purpose and Importance

The Ensure Sustainment step is where we act to maintain the gains made during the first 4 steps of the SOLVE process. Without cementing the improvements, all the effort of the project may be wasted. You must have split vision, though, in that this is also the time when we capture our lessons learned and set the stage for the next round of improvements.

Relevant Tools

Ensure sustainment relevant tools

Guiding Questions

Activity Checklist - Verify the Impact

Perils and Pitfalls

Practical Standard Work

Standard work is not like traditional, dense procedure manuals. Strive for simple, visual instructions that address 80% of the need and can be improved as the process evolves.

Make Performance Visible

Consider building a performance board with measures taken on intervals short enough to "course correct" before we disappoint a customer. Be careful though! If time is spend creating a performance board but no one uses it, frustration and failure may ensue.

Waste Walk

Walk the process with a "trust but verify" mindset. Observe the work being performed to ensure individuals are using the new process or improvements. In addition, you've lost a valuable opportunity to identify future improvements.

Learn Your Lessons

Capture lessons learned, including your mistakes and failures, so that your future projects run more smoothly and as a way of advancing your culture of continuous improvement.