Part II: Simple SOLVE


SOLVE is a 5-step framework that uses Lean concepts and employee know-how to efficiently solve problems related to process flow, service quality, and capacity.

This simple SOLVE approach is appropriate for smaller issues and those that are within your control.


Some Better Practices

Identifying Opportunities

Where Should You Start?

Knowing where to start can be challenging. Below are three sources of Simple SOLVE opportunities. You can use these questions to identify places to start:

WASTEFUL is a device that helps you identify 8 of the most common inefficiencies in state government operations. Do you recognize any of these wastes from your workflow?


When the process stops

You might hear, "I know it's urgent, but I'm waiting on..."


Signatures or approvals that don't improve the product or service

You might hear, 'We have checkers checking the checkers."


Handoffs between people and organizations

You might hear, "I don't know how the whole process works, only my piece."


Any movement of paper or people (motion)

You might hear, "I spend a lot of my time walking just to get my job done."


Things not done right the first time; requires rework

You might hear, "I find mistakes all the time, and sometimes, our custromers do."

Failure to Prioritize

Working in crisis mode because "everything is important"

You might hear, "It's hard to know what needs to be done first."

Under-utilized Talents

Not using all of an employee's skills

You might hear, "We've always done it this way, but we could find a better way."

Lack of Standards

The absence of standard methods and targets

You might hear, "Everyone does it differently, so it's hard to improve."

Simple SOLVE Template & 15-Point Simple SOLVE Checklist
