Project Risks


Within Project Risks records, users can document any identified risk throughout the life-cycle of a project, as well as update the status and conclusion of that risk. Risk records provide a full, reportable record of any project risk in the PMWeb.

Access: From the module menu, Records --> Risks

Available reports: Project Risk Register

Risk Record - Field Guidance

7. Likelihood*: Select High or Low to indicate how likely a condition or event is to occur. 

8. Impact*: Select High or Low to indicate the severity of the Impact on the project objectives.

9. Risk Owner: The individual responsible for monitoring the risk, and if necessary, controlling/managing the risk event.

10. Strategy: Select from the following options.

11. Risk Mitigation: Here, add details/comments of ongoing activities to mitigate the risk.  

*Likelihood and Impact indicate the current status of the risk.  When the risk register is generated, the current likelihood and Impact values at that time will display in the register. 

Risk Register Reports

Access risk reporting

Access Risk Reporting

Risk reports preview

Risk Reports Preview

Full risk report

Full Risk Report

Risk Documentation Examples

Below are examples of sample Risks to document in your Risk Records within PMWeb.