Project Decisions


Project Decisions in PMWeb provide a central location for project managers to document and share important decisions related to their project work.

Access: From the module menu, Records --> Decisions

Available reports: Decision Log

On this page:

Project Decisions - Field Guidance

5. Once your Decisions record is saved, additional tabs become open for adding Notes, Attachments, for Collaboration, and for sending Notifications

6. As Decisions are updated, Project Managers will return here to update the Decisions record. 

7. Click Save anytime records are being updated. 

Decisions Record - Team Collaboration

Collaborate with your project team members anytime you need feedback, input, or just an additional review of a project record.  Collaboration allows team to communicate internally through PMWeb, and is tracked through the Collaboration tab and via PMWeb reporting.

3. Select your Collaborator/s using the Request Collaboration drop-down menu.

4. Click the check boxes for the permissions you'd like to grant to your selected collaborators.   

5. Select a Due date and add a Message as needed. 

6. Click Save & Exit to confirm your settings. 

7. Slick Save to save and submit your Collaboration request. 

8. A log of all Collaboration requests, feedback, and comments for this record lives within your Collaboration tab.  

Sending Decisions Record Notifications

Notifications in PMWeb records allow you to notify internal team members, and/or external parties via email, of your record-specific project updates.  Notifications do NOT follow a system Workflow process, and are used as a tool for sharing project data as needed.  

3. In your Notification pop-up window, select your internal notification recipients with the ellipse icons (left of fields) in the To, CC, or BCC fields. 

4. Manually add any external email addresses into the Manual CC field, as needed. 

5. Edit any Notification message Comments in the provided text entry area. 

6. Use your distribution menu options to Send, Save, Schedule, and/or add record attachments to your Notification.  

7. A record of all notifications within the Decisions record lives in the Notifications tab for review and reference. 

Decisions Record Reporting

Within each PMWeb record, you have the option to pull and save a report of activity for that record at any point during the life-cycle of your project.  You can download record files from PMWeb in a number of formats.  

A Report preview pop-up window appears with your available reports for this record. 

3. Click the Eyeglass icon for report filtering and exporting. 

4. A new pop-up window appears with a full-scale version of your requested report.  

5. Filter your report with the provided menu options, as needed. 

6. Click View Report to update any filtering changes. 

7. Click the Save Chevron and select your preferred exporting option from the drop-down list to export your report. Note that most reports should be exported using a PDF format instead of Excel except for the Projected Quantities record.