

With the Communication Records, users can log all pertinent project communications within a reportable record which can be accessed, updated, and used for reporting from the PMWeb ecosystem.

Access: From the module menu, Records --> Communications

Available reports: Communications Log

Communication Record - Field Guidance

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to save the record. 

4. Once your Communication record is saved, additional working tabs open, including: 

5. A Communication data entry box also becomes available for free-form typing of your Communication.  

Communication Record - Team Collaboration

3. Select your collaborator/s with the Request Collaboration Drop-down menu. 

4. Select the permissions you'd like your collaborator/s to have on this record. 

5. Select a Due Date and add a Message

6. Click Save and Close to begin the collaboration submission process. 

7. Add Comments as needed prior to sending your Collaboration Request. 

8. Select Comment or Review Complete and click Save to send your collaboration request to your collaborators. 

9. A log of Collaboration and team communication remains in the Collaboration record throughout the lifetime of your project. 

Sending Communication Record Notifications

Communication Notifications can be sent to internal project team members, as well as to external email addresses, by completing the following steps: 

3. In your Notification pop-up window, select your internal notification recipients with the ellipse icons (left of fields) in the To, CC, or BCC fields. 

4. Manually add any external email addresses into the Manual CC field, as needed. 

5. Edit any Notification message Comments in the provided text entry area. 

6. Use your distribution menu options to Send, Save, Schedule, and/or add record attachments to your Notification.  

7. A record of all notifications sent from this Communication record remains in the Notifications tab for review.