PM Project Update

Learning > Record Pages > PM Project Update


The PM Project Update record provides the project manager (PM) with a location to provide a narrative of the project status. This narrative will be used in various project status reports (e.g., Project Summary). Additionally, this record will capture a "snapshot" of current milestone dates from the project schedule. This data capture enables milestone date trending month to month. 

Access: From the module menu, Records --> PM Project Update

Available reports: Program Status

Job Aids

Record Guidance

Aside from identifying a project and whether or not the Resident Engineer should review the record, the PM Project Update record contains one primary field for entering information: the Project Status free text field. 

The Main tab of the record contains two tables that are uneditable: the Milestone Tracking table and the Expenditure Info table. The Milestone Tracking table pulls in information from the Schedule record. The Expenditure Info table pulls in information from the Project record, which in turns pulls in information from SAP.

If desired, users may add notes via the Notes tab or attachments via the Attachments tab, although it is not required.

Workflow Guidance

If you selected “Yes” in the RE Review Reqd field in the Record Information section, your record will be sent to the Project’s assigned Resident Engineer for review. 

The Resident Engineer is the only role that may review this record. After the Resident Engineer approves the record, it will be marked as “Approved”.

If you selected “No” In the RE Review Reqd field in the Record Information section, your record will automatically be marked as “Approved”.

Report Guidance


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