Operations Evaluations

The Operations Evaluation ("Ops Eval") record enables Project Managers to solicit and respond to operations evaluations in PMWeb.


Project Managers can request and respond to operations evaluations within PMWeb. Region Traffic Resident Engineers (“Traffic REs”) can respond to requests and deliver recommendations within OnBase. PMs respond to recommendations and specify which ones were included in the project's design and final build. There is no limit on the number of communications between the Project Manager (via PMWeb) and the Traffic RE (via OnBase).

Access: Records > Custom Forms > Operations Evaluation - Status and Recommendations Form

Reports: No reports for Ops Eval are available at this time 

Job Aids

Record Guidance

Main Tab

Only some sections of the Ops Eval record are editable within PMWeb. 

Sections editable by PMs in PMWeb:

All other fields are imported from OnBase and are not editable from within PMWeb.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab is where you may include "Additional Notes" to send to OnBase.

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab does not "communicate" with OnBase. Any attachments included on the PMWeb record will only show up in PMWeb. 

Workflow Guidance

This document summarizes the Workflow process for the Ops Eval record.

PMWeb Ops Eval Workflow Permissions Cheat Sheet.pdf


If you have an FAQ to add you know the answer to it, please submit a system idea.
If you need help with something that isn’t covered on this webpage, job aid, or website, please submit a help request.

Which PMWeb project types require an Ops Eval?

All projects in PMWeb require an Ops Eval Request. The Region Traffic Engineer will determine if an Ops Eval is required for the project.

On-System, Local Agency projects require an Ops Eval Request. You can identify if these conditions apply to your project by navigating to the main Project record > Additional Info tab > Project Manager - PM Details > Off System & On System row.

How do I create an Ops Eval record?

Project Managers do not need to create Ops Eval records. PMWeb automatically generates an Ops Eval record when a Project record is created. If you don’t see an Ops Eval record for your project, one or more of the following may be the case:

How do I transfer responsibility of the Ops Eval record to the Construction PM?

Design PMs can "hand off" the Ops Eval record to Construction PMs by using the Delegate function in the Workflow tab. Users can't delegate the record unless it is currently in their workflow step. 

If Project 12345 was combined with Project 12346, do I need to complete both Ops Evaluations or can I enter all my data in the primary record?

Enter your information in separate records.

When will the Ops Eval record show as "closed"?

The record remains open as long as a project is active. The status field will read as “closed” when the status for the Project is changed to “closed” in SAP.

What happens if my project was "exempt" but now needs an Ops Eval?

Communicate with dot_tsmoevaluation@state.co.us and your Region Traffic Engineer. They can reset the Ops Eval in OnBase and the evaluation can be completed. Once the refresh occurs, the OpS Eval status will update to blank and the record will move into the PM's court.

What happens if I respond to recommendations at the same time new recommendations are added in OnBase?

If new recommendations are added while you are responding to existing recommendations, PMWeb will put the record back in your court within a few minutes after your submission.

Are there any reports associated with the Ops Eval record?

There are currently no Ops Eval record reports. If you would like to suggest a report, please submit a System Idea.

If I respond “Yes” to the question, “Is any existing access going to be reconstructed, modified, relocated, or closed?” in the Record Detail section, will this prompt me to fill out contingent forms down the line?

No, this is not dependency built into the system.

What happened to the "Additional Notes" field?

PMs can send additional notes via the the Notes tab to OnBase.

Additional Resources

Other groups within CDOT may publish resources relevant to PMWeb records. The following is a list of external resources that you may find useful. This list is purely informational. The PMWeb team does not guarantee the accuracy of items on this list.