Master Project Record


The "master" project record represents the main record that connects all other project-related records (e.g., schedule) to a project. This project record contains metadata fields for the project, which can be used for reporting across all records related to the project record. All CDOT capital program projects require a project record in PMWeb as no other PMWeb records can be used without it. 

Once available, the SAP PCN number is entered into the project record, which results in data integration with SAP. SAP data is used throughout PMWeb records and reports associated with that specific project. In the future, this SAP-PMWeb "link" will allow data to be pushed from PMWeb to SAP if needed. 

Job Aids

Access and Use



Once your Project Record (along with a Schedule and Deliverables) is created, you will return to your project record to: 

Tab Guidance

Project Tabs

Your Project Record includes multiple tabs for updating important project data.  Critical tabs include: 

Main Tab

The following notes provide guidance on some (not all) fields and selections in the record. If you would like assistance on a field or selection not listed here, please visit our Help Page

Main tab for Project Record

On the Main tab, Project Record data fields include your pre-set project information and your initial Scope, which is updated at the time of project creation. Additional fields to update:  

Residency: Used to identify where this project is located within your region's structure.

Scope: Intended to capture the scope at the time of project creation and will be updated through the Project Changes record.

SAP PCN: Used to initiate SAP integration.

Associated Project: Use this field if you have more than one PCN associated with your project, either companion or combination. 

Primary PCN: Identify the primary PCN here.


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If you need help with something that isn’t covered on this webpage, job aid, or website, please submit a help request.

What is integrated with SAP? 

The PMWeb project record is integrated with the SAP project record by entering the SAP PCN within the header of the PMWeb project record. Integration occurs overnight each day. You can take a look at this document to see PMWeb fields that are integrated from SAP.