Contractor Forecasts (Drawdowns)


CDOT utilizes an expenditure-based project funding system. This means that CDOT encumbers funds as they are needed on a fiscal year basis. This expenditure-based system allows CDOT to more effectively use our cash reserves and deliver more projects. The Forecast Record utilizes the construction dates to estimate when funds will be distributed to the contractor.

Important nomenclature: 

General Approach: 

Best Practices:  

Follow WalkMe When Creating a New Forecast

See Forecast Record Prerequisites, Modifying Forecasts and Additional Field Guidance for more information about the forecast record.  

Forecast Record Prerequisites

A. Schedule Prerequisites

The Forecast record utilizes the Construction Schedule task identified in the project schedule. 

B. The Estimate Capture Record or Form 65 Line 7

Two potential sources supply the forecast value in the forecasting algorithm:

The latest approved Estimate Capture record supplies the Construction Contract Cost** line, shown above, in the Forecast record.   The 20-10 Construction Contract Cost**, COST CODE 20-10-423110001 provides the contractor's estimated cost and spread over the construction duration utilizing the curve selected

A project with an executed contract uses the Form 65, Line 7 (Project Commitment Amount, Projected to Complete) to determine contract expenditures or the remaining contract value.  

C. Auto-approve Workflow

Modifying Forecasts

Field Guidance

Here, we will review the purpose of additional fields found in the forecast record.


I created my forecast, but I'm missing the graph & monthly drawdown details I saw in the training Video. What can do to Ensure my project is set-up properly to enable monthly projections and charts? 

Review the "CONSTRUCTION PROJECT CODE" in your PMWeb schedule. See Forecast Record Prerequisite (above). Failing to update the "PROJECT CODE" in the PMWeb Schedule results in a forecast without month values or graphs. 

Does PMWeb have customized Distribution profiles like the Spendometer offers for SAP? 

Today, Engineering PMs or assigned staff select from Linear, Bell, Front-loaded, or Back-loaded curves. The ability to customize the monthly expenditures after the system generates a forecast is also available for staff entering Forecast record information. 

I use multiple PMWeb schedules for my project. What can I do to make sure my project is set-up for forecast projections? 

If multiple approved estimates exist for my project prior to an executed contract, how do I know which one will be used for the forecast? 

Selecting a "CATEGORY" in the Estimate Capture record identifies the stage of the lifecycle for a given project estimate. The project may have several estimates from development to award. Regardless of an Estimates “CATEGORY”, the Forecast record will use the 20-10 Construction Contract Cost**, COST CODE 20-10-423110001 from the latest approved estimate prior to award to generate the forecast.

How can I find out more information about PD 703?