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DVR Policy Manual - v. 10/2023
Table of Contents - Chapter List
Introduction - The Act and Regulations
Introduction - Vision, Mission, Values
Chapter 1 - Legal and Operational Basis
1 - The Act and Regulations
1.1 Legal Basis
1.2 Operational Basis
Chapter 2 - Use and Release of Personal Information
2 - The Act and Regulations
2.1 Confidentiality of Service Records
2.2 Notification of Confidentiality
2.3 Release of Information
2.4 Release of Information continued
Chapter 3 - Informed Choice
3 - The Act and Regulations
3.1 Choice in Authorized Representation
3.2 Counseling Relationship
3.3 Appropriate Modes of Communication
3.4 Assessment and Plan Development
3.5 Necessary and Appropriate Services at Least Possible Cost
Chapter 4 - Reviews, Appeals, and Mediation
4 - The Act and Regulations
4.1 Right to Review DVR Determinations
4.2 Notification of Rights to Review
4.3 Provision of VR Services During Reviews and Mediation
4.4 Financial Participation by DVR in Reviews and Mediation
4.5 Documentation of Reviews and Mediation
4.6 Informal Review
4.7 Formal Appeal
4.8 Mediation of Disputes
4.9 Grievance of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
Chapter 5 - Applications
5 - The Act and Regulations
5.1 Referral
5.2 Applicants and Applications
5.3 Considerations Regarding Applicants
Chapter 6 - Eligibility
6 - The Act and Regulations
6.1 Eligibility Requirements
6.2 Eligibility Determinations
Chapter 7 - Order of Selection
7 - The Act and Regulations
7.1 Priorities for Service
7.2 Notification
7.3 VR Services During an Active Waitlist
7.4 Information and Referral Services
7.5 Expenditures for Reassessment of Severity of Disability
Chapter 8 - Severity of Disability
8 - The Act and Regulations
8.1 Determination of Severity of Disability
8.2 Most Significant Disability
8.3 Significant Disability
8.4 Individual With a Disability
Chapter 9 - Individualized Analysis of the Comprehensive Assessment
9 - The Act and Regulations
9.1 Comprehensive Assessment Analysis and Activities
9.2 Additional Considerations During Comprehensive Assessment
9.3 Determining an Employment Outcome
9.4 Identification of Nature and Scope of Services
9.5 Documentation of Comprehensive Assessment
9.6 Financial Need Analysis
9.7 Benefits Counseling/Planning
9.8 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
Chapter 10 - Expenditure of Funds and Comparable Benefits
10 - The Act and Regulations
10.1 Comparable Services and Benefits
10.2 Expenditure of VR Funds
10.3 Fee Schedule
10.4 Purchasing Procedures and Quote Process
10.5 Financial Participation
Financial Need and Comparable Benefits Guide
Chapter 11 - Individualized Plan for Employment
11 - The Act and Regulations
11.1 Individualized Plan for Employment Development
11.2 Use of IPE and Supplement Forms
11.3 Timeline for IPE Development
11.4 Informed Choice
11.5 Content of the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)
11.6 IPE Approval and Signatures
11.7 Monitoring the IPE
11.8 Annual IPE Review
11.9 Amending the IPE
Chapter 12 - Vocational Rehabilitation Services
12 - The Act and Regulations
12.1 Scope of VR Services
12.2 Core VR Services
12.3 Supportive VR Services
12.4 Community-Based Work Site
12.5 Work-Based Learning Experience
12.6 Post-Employment Services
12.7 Services to Employers
Chapter 13 - Services for Individuals who are Blind and/or Visually Impaire
13 - The Act and Regulations
13.1 Rehabilitation Teaching/Orientation and Mobility Services
13.2 Referrals to DVR Personal Adjustment Training Services
13.3 Evaluation Services When Utilizing Personal Adjustment Training
13.4 Beginning Services for RS/O&MS
13.5 Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 14 - Supported Employment
14 - The Act and Regulations
14.1 Determining Need for Supported Employment
14.2 Eligibility and Comprehensive Assessment
14.3 Supported Employment Services
14.4 IPE for Supported Employment
14.5 Payment for Supported Employment Services
Chapter 15 - Transistion
15 - The Act and Regulations
15.1 Transition Definitions
15.2 Coordination with Education
15.3 DVR Transition Responsibilities
15.4 Consultation/Technical Assistance
15.5 Outreach
15.6 Point of Referral and Application
15.7 School Records
15.8 IEP/IPE Planning and Coordination
15.9 Sale/Transfer of Assistive Technology
15.10 Coordination Regarding Subminimum Wage
15.11 Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Chapter 16 - Self-Employment
16 - The Act and Regulations
16.1 Self-Employment Program Considerations
16.2 Rehabilitation Counselors for Entrepreneurship
16.3 Self-Employment Review (SERT)
16.4 Tiers and Funding for Self-Employment
16.5 The Self-Employment Process
16.6 Self-Employment Services
16.7 Individualized Plan for Employment
16.8 Monitoring the Self-Employment IPE
16.9 Successful Case Closure
Chapter 17 - Closure
17 - The Act and Regulations
17.1 Conditions for Closure
17.2 Criteria for a Successful VR Closure
17.3 Ineligibility Closure
17.4 Other Reasons for Closure
17.5 Retention of Service Records
Chapter 18 - Limitations on the Use of Subminimum Wage
18 - The Act and Regulations
18.1 Youth Seeking Subminimum Wage Employment
18.2 Individuals Employed at Subminimum Wage Regardless of Age
Appendices - Table of Contents
Appendix A: DVR Definitions
Appendix B: SSDI and SSI General Information
Appendix C: Guidance for Serving Employers in the Cannabis Industry
Appendix D: Fraud Procedures
D.1 Reporting Fraud
D.2 Required Documentation
D.3 Investigations
D.4 Confirmed Fraud
D.5 Potential Consequences
D.6 Repeated Fraudulent Activity
D.7 Monitoring of Fraud
Appendix E: Maintenance Case Studies
Appendix F: Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Notice
Tables and Images - Table of Contents
DVR Policy Manual - v. 10/2023
Table of Contents - Chapter List
Introduction - The Act and Regulations
Introduction - Vision, Mission, Values
Chapter 1 - Legal and Operational Basis
1 - The Act and Regulations
1.1 Legal Basis
1.2 Operational Basis
Chapter 2 - Use and Release of Personal Information
2 - The Act and Regulations
2.1 Confidentiality of Service Records
2.2 Notification of Confidentiality
2.3 Release of Information
2.4 Release of Information continued
Chapter 3 - Informed Choice
3 - The Act and Regulations
3.1 Choice in Authorized Representation
3.2 Counseling Relationship
3.3 Appropriate Modes of Communication
3.4 Assessment and Plan Development
3.5 Necessary and Appropriate Services at Least Possible Cost
Chapter 4 - Reviews, Appeals, and Mediation
4 - The Act and Regulations
4.1 Right to Review DVR Determinations
4.2 Notification of Rights to Review
4.3 Provision of VR Services During Reviews and Mediation
4.4 Financial Participation by DVR in Reviews and Mediation
4.5 Documentation of Reviews and Mediation
4.6 Informal Review
4.7 Formal Appeal
4.8 Mediation of Disputes
4.9 Grievance of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
Chapter 5 - Applications
5 - The Act and Regulations
5.1 Referral
5.2 Applicants and Applications
5.3 Considerations Regarding Applicants
Chapter 6 - Eligibility
6 - The Act and Regulations
6.1 Eligibility Requirements
6.2 Eligibility Determinations
Chapter 7 - Order of Selection
7 - The Act and Regulations
7.1 Priorities for Service
7.2 Notification
7.3 VR Services During an Active Waitlist
7.4 Information and Referral Services
7.5 Expenditures for Reassessment of Severity of Disability
Chapter 8 - Severity of Disability
8 - The Act and Regulations
8.1 Determination of Severity of Disability
8.2 Most Significant Disability
8.3 Significant Disability
8.4 Individual With a Disability
Chapter 9 - Individualized Analysis of the Comprehensive Assessment
9 - The Act and Regulations
9.1 Comprehensive Assessment Analysis and Activities
9.2 Additional Considerations During Comprehensive Assessment
9.3 Determining an Employment Outcome
9.4 Identification of Nature and Scope of Services
9.5 Documentation of Comprehensive Assessment
9.6 Financial Need Analysis
9.7 Benefits Counseling/Planning
9.8 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
Chapter 10 - Expenditure of Funds and Comparable Benefits
10 - The Act and Regulations
10.1 Comparable Services and Benefits
10.2 Expenditure of VR Funds
10.3 Fee Schedule
10.4 Purchasing Procedures and Quote Process
10.5 Financial Participation
Financial Need and Comparable Benefits Guide
Chapter 11 - Individualized Plan for Employment
11 - The Act and Regulations
11.1 Individualized Plan for Employment Development
11.2 Use of IPE and Supplement Forms
11.3 Timeline for IPE Development
11.4 Informed Choice
11.5 Content of the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)
11.6 IPE Approval and Signatures
11.7 Monitoring the IPE
11.8 Annual IPE Review
11.9 Amending the IPE
Chapter 12 - Vocational Rehabilitation Services
12 - The Act and Regulations
12.1 Scope of VR Services
12.2 Core VR Services
12.3 Supportive VR Services
12.4 Community-Based Work Site
12.5 Work-Based Learning Experience
12.6 Post-Employment Services
12.7 Services to Employers
Chapter 13 - Services for Individuals who are Blind and/or Visually Impaire
13 - The Act and Regulations
13.1 Rehabilitation Teaching/Orientation and Mobility Services
13.2 Referrals to DVR Personal Adjustment Training Services
13.3 Evaluation Services When Utilizing Personal Adjustment Training
13.4 Beginning Services for RS/O&MS
13.5 Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 14 - Supported Employment
14 - The Act and Regulations
14.1 Determining Need for Supported Employment
14.2 Eligibility and Comprehensive Assessment
14.3 Supported Employment Services
14.4 IPE for Supported Employment
14.5 Payment for Supported Employment Services
Chapter 15 - Transistion
15 - The Act and Regulations
15.1 Transition Definitions
15.2 Coordination with Education
15.3 DVR Transition Responsibilities
15.4 Consultation/Technical Assistance
15.5 Outreach
15.6 Point of Referral and Application
15.7 School Records
15.8 IEP/IPE Planning and Coordination
15.9 Sale/Transfer of Assistive Technology
15.10 Coordination Regarding Subminimum Wage
15.11 Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Chapter 16 - Self-Employment
16 - The Act and Regulations
16.1 Self-Employment Program Considerations
16.2 Rehabilitation Counselors for Entrepreneurship
16.3 Self-Employment Review (SERT)
16.4 Tiers and Funding for Self-Employment
16.5 The Self-Employment Process
16.6 Self-Employment Services
16.7 Individualized Plan for Employment
16.8 Monitoring the Self-Employment IPE
16.9 Successful Case Closure
Chapter 17 - Closure
17 - The Act and Regulations
17.1 Conditions for Closure
17.2 Criteria for a Successful VR Closure
17.3 Ineligibility Closure
17.4 Other Reasons for Closure
17.5 Retention of Service Records
Chapter 18 - Limitations on the Use of Subminimum Wage
18 - The Act and Regulations
18.1 Youth Seeking Subminimum Wage Employment
18.2 Individuals Employed at Subminimum Wage Regardless of Age
Appendices - Table of Contents
Appendix A: DVR Definitions
Appendix B: SSDI and SSI General Information
Appendix C: Guidance for Serving Employers in the Cannabis Industry
Appendix D: Fraud Procedures
D.1 Reporting Fraud
D.2 Required Documentation
D.3 Investigations
D.4 Confirmed Fraud
D.5 Potential Consequences
D.6 Repeated Fraudulent Activity
D.7 Monitoring of Fraud
Appendix E: Maintenance Case Studies
Appendix F: Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Notice
Tables and Images - Table of Contents
Table of Contents - Chapter List
Introduction - The Act and Regulations
Introduction - Vision, Mission, Values
Chapter 1 - Legal and Operational Basis
1 - The Act and Regulations
1.1 Legal Basis
1.2 Operational Basis
Chapter 2 - Use and Release of Personal Information
2 - The Act and Regulations
2.1 Confidentiality of Service Records
2.2 Notification of Confidentiality
2.3 Release of Information
2.4 Release of Information continued
Chapter 3 - Informed Choice
3 - The Act and Regulations
3.1 Choice in Authorized Representation
3.2 Counseling Relationship
3.3 Appropriate Modes of Communication
3.4 Assessment and Plan Development
3.5 Necessary and Appropriate Services at Least Possible Cost
Chapter 4 - Reviews, Appeals, and Mediation
4 - The Act and Regulations
4.1 Right to Review DVR Determinations
4.2 Notification of Rights to Review
4.3 Provision of VR Services During Reviews and Mediation
4.4 Financial Participation by DVR in Reviews and Mediation
4.5 Documentation of Reviews and Mediation
4.6 Informal Review
4.7 Formal Appeal
4.8 Mediation of Disputes
4.9 Grievance of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability
Chapter 5 - Applications
5 - The Act and Regulations
5.1 Referral
5.2 Applicants and Applications
5.3 Considerations Regarding Applicants
Chapter 6 - Eligibility
6 - The Act and Regulations
6.1 Eligibility Requirements
6.2 Eligibility Determinations
Chapter 7 - Order of Selection
7 - The Act and Regulations
7.1 Priorities for Service
7.2 Notification
7.3 VR Services During an Active Waitlist
7.4 Information and Referral Services
7.5 Expenditures for Reassessment of Severity of Disability
Chapter 8 - Severity of Disability
8 - The Act and Regulations
8.1 Determination of Severity of Disability
8.2 Most Significant Disability
8.3 Significant Disability
8.4 Individual With a Disability
Chapter 9 - Individualized Analysis of the Comprehensive Assessment
9 - The Act and Regulations
9.1 Comprehensive Assessment Analysis and Activities
9.2 Additional Considerations During Comprehensive Assessment
9.3 Determining an Employment Outcome
9.4 Identification of Nature and Scope of Services
9.5 Documentation of Comprehensive Assessment
9.6 Financial Need Analysis
9.7 Benefits Counseling/Planning
9.8 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999
Chapter 10 - Expenditure of Funds and Comparable Benefits
10 - The Act and Regulations
10.1 Comparable Services and Benefits
10.2 Expenditure of VR Funds
10.3 Fee Schedule
10.4 Purchasing Procedures and Quote Process
10.5 Financial Participation
Financial Need and Comparable Benefits Guide
Chapter 11 - Individualized Plan for Employment
11 - The Act and Regulations
11.1 Individualized Plan for Employment Development
11.2 Use of IPE and Supplement Forms
11.3 Timeline for IPE Development
11.4 Informed Choice
11.5 Content of the Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE)
11.6 IPE Approval and Signatures
11.7 Monitoring the IPE
11.8 Annual IPE Review
11.9 Amending the IPE
Chapter 12 - Vocational Rehabilitation Services
12 - The Act and Regulations
12.1 Scope of VR Services
12.2 Core VR Services
12.3 Supportive VR Services
12.4 Community-Based Work Site
12.5 Work-Based Learning Experience
12.6 Post-Employment Services
12.7 Services to Employers
Chapter 13 - Services for Individuals who are Blind and/or Visually Impaire
13 - The Act and Regulations
13.1 Rehabilitation Teaching/Orientation and Mobility Services
13.2 Referrals to DVR Personal Adjustment Training Services
13.3 Evaluation Services When Utilizing Personal Adjustment Training
13.4 Beginning Services for RS/O&MS
13.5 Business Enterprise Program
Chapter 14 - Supported Employment
14 - The Act and Regulations
14.1 Determining Need for Supported Employment
14.2 Eligibility and Comprehensive Assessment
14.3 Supported Employment Services
14.4 IPE for Supported Employment
14.5 Payment for Supported Employment Services
Chapter 15 - Transistion
15 - The Act and Regulations
15.1 Transition Definitions
15.2 Coordination with Education
15.3 DVR Transition Responsibilities
15.4 Consultation/Technical Assistance
15.5 Outreach
15.6 Point of Referral and Application
15.7 School Records
15.8 IEP/IPE Planning and Coordination
15.9 Sale/Transfer of Assistive Technology
15.10 Coordination Regarding Subminimum Wage
15.11 Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Chapter 16 - Self-Employment
16 - The Act and Regulations
16.1 Self-Employment Program Considerations
16.2 Rehabilitation Counselors for Entrepreneurship
16.3 Self-Employment Review (SERT)
16.4 Tiers and Funding for Self-Employment
16.5 The Self-Employment Process
16.6 Self-Employment Services
16.7 Individualized Plan for Employment
16.8 Monitoring the Self-Employment IPE
16.9 Successful Case Closure
Chapter 17 - Closure
17 - The Act and Regulations
17.1 Conditions for Closure
17.2 Criteria for a Successful VR Closure
17.3 Ineligibility Closure
17.4 Other Reasons for Closure
17.5 Retention of Service Records
Chapter 18 - Limitations on the Use of Subminimum Wage
18 - The Act and Regulations
18.1 Youth Seeking Subminimum Wage Employment
18.2 Individuals Employed at Subminimum Wage Regardless of Age
Appendices - Table of Contents
Appendix A: DVR Definitions
Appendix B: SSDI and SSI General Information
Appendix C: Guidance for Serving Employers in the Cannabis Industry
Appendix D: Fraud Procedures
D.1 Reporting Fraud
D.2 Required Documentation
D.3 Investigations
D.4 Confirmed Fraud
D.5 Potential Consequences
D.6 Repeated Fraudulent Activity
D.7 Monitoring of Fraud
Appendix E: Maintenance Case Studies
Appendix F: Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Notice
Tables and Images - Table of Contents
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Service Delivery
Policy Manual
Policy Manual PDF version
Policy Manual Word version
Table of Contents - Chapter List
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