Social/Emotional Learning

Luigi's Photo Book! Scroll through all the smiling faces!

Please Pass the Love is a wonderful organization based in DesMoines that has online weekly programing for all ages. This link will take you to their COVID-19 resource page with all the dates, times and descriptions of events. This is a safe space and may be a good way to break up your child's day. L-M has partnered with this organization this year and they will be helping us some next year as well. Resources here for adults as

We ALL have feelings and emotions. When we have big changes happen in our life we may have more worry, frustration, and our feelings may be harder to keep under control. What can we do when our feelings and emotions are hard to handle? Here is one idea. Keeping a journal can help manage your emotions. Journaling is just writing down your thoughts, ideas and feelings. Below are some journaling ideas to choose from. You could use 1 page per week or just choose some ideas that fit your day.


This is the activity that came in your homework packet. Some of the ideas you may have to change to fix your situation. For example, "Make a poster about KINDNESS for your BEDROOM instead of CLASSROOM."