Mrs. Meierotto


Hello Students!

I hope you are all doing well, staying safe, and taking care of yourselves. I have missed seeing you all during this time away from school, and can't wait to be back with you again! Please know that everyone is struggling with change right now, and although we cannot see people in person, we are all in this together. If you need someone to talk to please reach out to me or someone else you trust to share your concerns. You can email me, or we can set up a time to talk through Google Meet or Zoom.

I know that many people have questions about classes and what this will mean for your grades and earning credit to move on to the next grade. Please email me if you have specific questions. Until May 22nd, your teachers will be providing voluntary activities related to your classes. These are not required for a grade, but they will certainly be helpful to keep your skills fresh, so it's a good idea to participate in whatever you can.

I have created a google classroom for each grade. Please see below for the code for your grade and join the appropriate classroom. This is how I will be sharing information related to class scheduling for next year. You can fill out your course requests there and look at the course manual for descriptions of classes. In order to be scheduled for next year, I will need a completed registration form, parent approval of your form, and a completed profile on My Academic Plan.

Again, reach out to me if you have any questions or just want to talk. This won't last forever, and we'll get through it together!

Google Classroom Codes

Seniors - Class of 2020: 22ubfud

Juniors - Class of 2021: jtysf3z

Sophomores - Class of 2022: cx3x52g

Freshmen - Class of 2023: a4fymuz

8th Grade - Class of 2024: 5z77euu

7th Grade - Class of 2025: njpne4m

Here's a picture of my dog Murphy wearing a tie to brighten your day!

Office Hours

Fridays 12pm - 12:50pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 115 031 469

Password: 055350

Suicide Hotlines

Call/Text 1-855-325-4296