3rd Grade

Last Updated: 4/2/2020

Teacher Pages (Click on Your Teacher)

Mrs. Bohlen

Mrs. Brown

Ms. Luttrull


Lexia Core 5 Reading Program

Dreambox Math Program

Time for Kids

Digital version of the Time For Kids magazine.



This free resource provides your children with 20* days of exciting articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges. www.scholastic.com/learnathome

Go Noodle

Get everyone up and moving with these fun videos.


National Geographic for Kids

Games, videos, and more



Play multiplication games to practice the multiplication facts.


Legos 30 day Lego challenge





Other Activities:

Boredom Buster #1

Do an indoor scavenger hunt!

Patricia Polacco reads Rechenka’s Eggs


Boredom Buster #2

Make a treasure map. Hide a small object somewhere inside (or outside) your house. Make a treasure map and have someone use it to locate your “treasure”. Remember X marks the spot! Send your teacher a picture of your treasure map.

Patricia Polacco reads My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother


Boredom Buster #3

Create a comic strip that is at least 6 boxes long. Be sure to include speech bubbles. Color it. Send your teacher a picture of your finished comic strip.

Patricia Polacco reads Trees of the Dancing Goats


Boredom Buster #4

Since you’re spending a lot of time at home it would be nice to help with some chores. Today’s challenge is to clean your room and make your bed. Send your teacher a picture of you sitting on your freshly made bed.

Patricia Polacco reads Thunder Cake


Boredom Buster #5

Time for a little movement break. Play your favorite songs and dance around for at least 5 minutes. Have someone snap a picture (or video) of you dancing to send to your teacher.

Boredom Buster #6

Don’t be bored...play a board game! Send someone a picture of you and the game you played.

Boredom Buster #7

March 31 is National Crayon Day! Draw and color (with crayons) a picture of a scene from your favorite book. See if someone can guess what the story is.

Boredom Buster #8

April 1 is National Walking Day! Go for a walk in the woods, in your neighborhood, or around your yard. Let the sun shine on.

your face and breathe that fresh air.

Boredom Buster #9

April 2 is National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day. Make yourself a PB&J sandwich for lunch. What kind of jelly did you use?

Boredom Buster #10

Today’s challenge is to do a puzzle...jigsaw, word search, crossword, etc.

Boredom Buster #11

Build a fort (inside or outside). If you build inside, use blankets, pillows, and other household items. If you build outside, use

natural materials like logs, rocks, sticks, etc. Be sure to clean up when you are done.

Boredom Buster #12

Help cook a meal with a family member. Set the table and help with clean-up afterwards.

Boredom Buster #13

Get yourself a snack, snuggle up on the couch, and watch a movie today. Send someone a screen shot (picture of your screen)

and see if they can guess what movie you watched.

Boredom Buster #14

April 9 is National Unicorn Day! Write and illustrate a short story about a unicorn that follows you home from school one day.

Boredom Buster #15

April 11 is National Pet Day. Play with your pet, feed your pet, take your dog for a walk, clean the cat box, etc. If you don’t have a

pet, then play with your favorite stuffed animal.