
Last Updated: 4/2/2020

Teacher Pages (Click on Your Teacher)

Mrs. Beers

Mrs. Hargrave

Mrs. Wehrle



This free resource provides your children with 20* days of exciting articles and stories, videos, and fun learning challenges.

Other Activities:

Practice learning to tie your shoes.

Just for fun, exercise and activity go to:

Take the high frequency word list and practice writing sentences using those words. Keeping mind our writing expectations: Capitalize the Pronoun “I” , Use punctuation, and use finger spaces between words. My suggestion is to write 3 sentences a day to keep in practice!

Watch PBS kids for educational programming, ex.; Wild Kratts for animal science, Peg + Cat for reading, etc .

Play adding and subtracting games using dominoes, playing cards or dice. Reinforce greater than and less than, when deciding which number to start with when subtracting.

Have your child practice reading to self, using a timer and increasing minutes of independent reading times.

Read aloud to your child as well as listen to your child reading, daily.

After reading, ask your child to retell the story, ask them who are the main characters of the story and what was the setting of the story? ( where did the story take place?)

Have your child draw a picture of their favorite part of the story and write a sentence describing their picture.

Get some sun and fresh air by going for a daily walk, point out signs and other things they can read along the way!

Keep the home schooling FUN!