Mrs. Feldman


I am sure missing each and everyone of my 6th grade students! Hopefully you will find more information here to help you get through the next few weeks. In your packet you will find a suggested calendar and some work that you can complete if you have time. We also recommend finishing Lexia, reading as much as possible, and working on math facts. I am checking our Facebook class page, email, and Google Classroom regularly, so please feel free to message me and tell me about how your time is going or ask any questions you may have. Remember we will Zoom together every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. and every Friday at 11:30 a.m. for a casual chat during lunch. I will email out the links to join our class Zooms. It was so much fun to see your faces last Tuesday evening! Please use the following link to access the 6th Grade Suggested Work Document that was sent home with your packet. I hope to see you in May!!

:) Mrs. Feldman

Week of May 4th Recommended Work Schedule



Remember that this too shall pass and the best thing you can do during this time is to stay calm and make the best of the situation. Find gratitude in your day and remember that I am wishing the best for you during this time. Here are a few thoughts and ideas that I'm using to help me during this time:

*What can I learn? What can I do? Who can I help?

*Listen to music! Dance! Write!

*This day is a gift! Make the most of it!

*Look for gratitude around you!

*Move your body for at least 30 minutes!

*Have fun and relax!