Social Studies

Last Updated: 4/3/2020

Teacher Pages (Click on Your Teacher)

Mr. Barger

Mr. Corrigan

Mr. Wehrle


Junior High 7th Grade: Our next unit was going to be an Iowa History Unit about Buxton, Iowa. and the Migration of the people who moved there. The following websites will provide students with some basic information about what made Buxton and the people who moved there such an interesting community: View this website and students can read about the wonderful history of buxton and then follow the pathways was several residents who lived in this great community. This is a personal account of a school teacher that lived in Buxton This is a very interesting video about life in Buxton.

Junior High 8th grade: We have units remaining about Native American Removal, Slavery/Underground Rail Road and the Civil War. Students can get a look at the Underground railroad in Iowa at the following site: Click on the site, and then there are several “Paths” to follow about Iowa and its underground railroad history. Students can read several different articles.

High School:

CrashCourse series for American History, World History

Join a Big History Project course (free and self-paced)

Elem., JH, or HS: Play Geoguessr as a family (practice geography skills and locate where you are placed in the world!)