Mrs. VanSickle

Luigi is washing his paws!

He hopes you are too!

Dear Parents & Students,

I hope this letter finds you all safe and well. This has been an unexpected turn of events the past few weeks and we ALL have been and will continue to be affected in various ways. Social distancing at this time is critical for our physical health but it can take a toll on our social-emotional health. I encourage you and your children to take advantage of the opportunities to connect with your child’s teacher. The information you receive this week will give you information about those opportunities. Seeing teachers and classmates faces can really be an emotional boost. As your student’s school counselor, I want to extend an invitation to your family to help in any way possible. Here are some options I am making available to you and your students. If your child is experiencing some social/emotional or mental health concerns at this time or if they are just stir crazy and need to talk to someone here are some ways to make that happen.

  1. Email: Parents and students can reach me by email at I would be glad to be a virtual pen pal with your student to just keep in touch or discuss concerns your student or family may be experiencing.

  2. Snail Mail: Let's get back to basics and send a note or drawing on paper! All mail will be answered! Here is my address:

Mrs. Van Sickle & Luigi

15817 L Ave.

Letts, Iowa 52754

  1. Phone: I can be available by phone to visit with you or your student @ 515-230-1907. Parents please call my number and we will arrange a time to connect with your student. Leave a message and I will return your call.

  2. Video Groups/Individual Sessions: At school Luigi and I have lunch groups with ALL students at L&M. We also do individual and small group sessions in my office regarding many topics, worry/anxiety, friendship, family transition, grief, anger, you name it we talk about it. If there is interest and need Luigi and I would LOVE to do some short groups or spend some virtual individual time with your student/s. If you are interested in this please contact me and let me know. I will then contact you with the details about how to join!

  3. If you are NOT receiving school lunches and would like to be included please call the district office @ 319-726-3541. Leave a message if no one answers.

We hope to see you soon!

Be well!

Mrs. Van Sickle and Luigi

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