Counseling Services


Resources-Talking to kids about COVID 19-(Coronavirus)

This resource includes a very good short video with tips about how to have these conversations with your children. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

Parent resource from the National Association of Psychologists about developmentally appropriate ways to talk to your children and teenagers about the Coronavirus.. Healthy lifestyle practices and information on how to prevent the spreading of illness is also highlighted. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

COVID 19 (Coronavirus)-Education-for Kids

Brain Pop Corona Virus Video-This animated video gives accurate facts about the Coronavirus and prevention practices. Target audience-4th grade and up. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS

Coping with Stress

Coping with stress from Coronavirus- Good information for all but targeted towards adults and older teens.


COVID-19 Information

This resource addresses many different topics; the challenges of working/schooling from home, how to help students with anxiety or overexposure to this COVID-19 situation, ideas on keeping kids busy at home, links within articles for Social-Emotional Learning and mindfulness/anxiety reducing simple activities. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS