Muntinlupa City: The Emerald City
Our Community is located at the southernmost part of Metro Manila. The origin of the name "Muntinlupa" came from at least three versions. The term Muntinlupa comes from its link with the area's thin topsoil. Second, people allegedly responded to an inquiry about the name of their town from Spaniards in the 16th century by saying Monte sa Lupa, probably misunderstanding the question for the name of the card game they were playing. Third, the area's topography, which led to the term Monte, or mountain, being enlarged to Muntinlupa, or mountain land. The House of Representatives passed House Bill No. 14401, transforming Muntinlupa Municipality into a highly urbanized city, on February 16, 1995. When President Fidel Ramos signed Republic Act 7926, declaring Muntinlupa as a city, it became a charter city.
Before digging deeper into this website, it is important we know what exactly are barangays. In dictionary’s terms, according to Oxford’s Lexico, a barangay is a term coined in the Philippines that is defined as a small district that forms the most local level of government. The word is derived from the term balangay. Balangays are sailboats that brought Malay settlers to the Philippines.
How Our Project Protects
& Unites
& Unites
This year’s Cyberfair theme applied not just to our community, but also to us as a team. We fulfill the overall objective of this competition: protection and unity, by educating ourselves with the things that each barangay offers and lacks. We aim to amplify the search to fill each gap in our community. We believe that change around us will start with our team, all as individuals and as the youth of our community, and will slowly branch its way out. Through this mindset, we protect & unite.
More About the Team
The cyberfair team, despite having a profuse amount of work, remains compliant. With the skills of each individual, being able to assess most tasks at hand has always been a smooth process. In spite of there being teams who handle different sections of the website, each person is willing to extend a hand to those in need. Having such a firm yet obliging team is very important, especially for big projects like these. The team composition, which the JHS-SHS team is lucky enough to have an excellent one, has always been a significant factor in completing this website.