Rotary Attachment

The rotary attachment for the laser cutter is great for etching on rounded objects such as mugs and glasses. This page will guide you in setting up the laser cutting machine to do so.

  1. Push the focus button to enter focus mode.
  2. Push the down arrow to lower the tray to about 6 inches.
  3. Turn the laser cutter off.

3. Open the side of the laser cutter and remove the honey comb tray.

4. Remove the second metal tray by sliding it out the bottom.

5. Place the end of the rotary tool that has a screw on it into the hole in the bottom of the tray in the laser cutting machine.

6. Plug in the connector that is wired into the rotary tool into the laser cutting machine.

7. Turn the laser cutter back on.

8. You can now place the desired the object onto the rotary attachment and use the clamp located on the right side to secure the object.