
Hockey Puck for Blind Ice Hockey

Blind Ice Hockey is the same exhilarating, fast-paced sport we know and love, with only one difference: each player is legally blind. Players of Blind Hockey have a limited spectrum of sight. In Blind Hockey, the puck represents the most significant modification to this specialized version of Hockey with the official puck going through multiple redesigns since the creation of the sport. The current Blind Hockey League standard pucks are made of hollow steel (22 gauge) and contain 8 ball-bearings that rattle inside the puck as it moves across the ice rink. In collaboration with the St. Louis Lighthouse for the Blind and the St. Louis Blues Blind Hockey Club, the CHROME Lab is developing the next-generation technologies  for the blind to re-imagine the blind ice hockey experience.


This  material  is  based  upon  work in part supported by the Lighthouse for the Blind St. Louis. Any opinions, findings and  conclusions or recommendations  expressed  in  this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Lighthouse for the Blind.

Current Researchers

Image showing a used old blind ice hockey puck on the left and two new prototypes on the right, one prototype is a flexible enclosure around the classic blind ice hockey puck the other is a fully electronic puck without its lid that reveals a speaker, batteries, and circuit board.


Picture of a research poster that contains graphics of hockey puck prototypes as well as graphics that explain the acoustic testing performed on the prototypes.

Research Poster

FEA Analysis

Prototype Timeline

Formating Text

Formating Text
