Lab Team

Jen Tennison

Portrait of Dr. Jen Tennison standing in front of a poster showcasing the Brooklyn Bridge, wearing a peach blazer and a black shirt with pink flowers.

Lab Manager

Research Scientist


Dr. Jen L. Tennison received her B.S. in Psychology (emphasis: cognitive science) from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2014 and her Ph.D. in Engineering (emphasis: mechanical engineering) from Saint Louis University in 2021.  Jen is an alumni of the CHROME Lab, having been a part of the lab since it's inception!

At Saint Louis University, she was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) to complete her dissertation which focused on using haptics to increase the accessibility of digital, STEM materials. Jen currently manages the day-to-day operations in the CHROME Lab and continues to research haptics as the lab's research scientist.

Her research interests span across human-machine interaction, human-computer interaction, engineering education, and game development.  When she is not researching, her time is split between gaming, hiking, and spending time with her "emotional distress dog," Bou.

Dog Tax

Picture of a black dog with gold highlights on its ears and cheeks, being walked on the sidewalk.
Picture of a black dog with gold highlights in its ears and cheeks, sleeping on a dog bed.