
Multimodal Digital Graphics on Touchscreens

Touchscreens with vibratory capabilities are extremely common today. They are our tablets and smartphones, and in some cases, our computer screens and laptops. These devices are highly interactive and help us stay connected as we go about our daily lives. Touchscreens are best known for their significant visual component, however, leaving them largely inaccessible without being able to view the screen. Think of how often you look at the screen when interacting with such devices. This visual input/output is particularly problematic for individuals with disabilities. 

In the CHROME Lab, we are addressing this challenge, particularly in the context of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education. We are exploring how vibrations and additional multisensory feedback can be used to enhance the accessibility and usability of touchscreens, particularly in visual content such as graphics. In doing so, we are opening up new pathways of multimodal learning while increasing the accessibility and equal opportunities of STEM disciplines for learners of all styles, with the goal of creating an inclusive, accessible touchscreen interface for all users.

Check out our exciting efforts to translate this research out of our lab and into the EdTech industry:


This  material  is  based  upon  work  supported  by  the  National  Science Foundation under Grant No.s 1644538, 1845490 (CAREER), and the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Any opinions,  findings  and  conclusions  or  recommendations  expressed  in  this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.



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