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High School Opportunities

The CHROME Lab hosts local high school students per year who are interested in attending Saint Louis University for engineering or computer science. The high school student experience tends to be more freeform, tailored, and focused on the student gaining beginner-level footholds in basic science and engineering skills. But this can vary depending on the student's skill level! High school student experience run the gambit of general shadowing to full project prototype, depending on their level of interest and skill.

As these experiences are more involved and tailored to individual students, the CHROME Lab can only offer 2-3 high school student positions per year, usually over the summer. During the high school student experience, you can expect to work closely with a graduate student project lead, either shadowing them as they work or performing small assignments that could benefit the greater project.

Some former high school projects include:

  • Performing set-up routines and basic coding to get a robot hand operational

  • 3D modeling and printing hardware parts

  • Building small mechatronic systems with Arduino

CHROME Lab High School Student Experience Qualifications and Requirements

  1. Have parental permission

  2. Be a high school student in the Saint Louis area

  3. Be able to get to SLU's campus

  4. Be interested in learning how research is conducted in engineering and computer science.

  5. Be able to work on a project for at least 5 hours per week (hours are flexible).

  6. Final presentation at the end of your experience with what you've done (more details will be given!)

Steps to Get Involved

  1. Make note of the kinds of skills you'd like to learn. If it helps, review the pages of current research projects. Take note of the projects you are most interested in working on!

  2. Send an email to the lab manager, Jen Tennison, and cc your parent's or guardian's email address.

    • In the email, please provide a little info on:

      1. Who you are

      2. What school you attend

      3. What year in school you are

      4. What skills you currently have (programming languages, 3D printing experience, modeling experience, etc.)

      5. Why you're interested in the CHROME Lab

      6. What you hope to learn!

    • Note: Resume's are great to have to help make a decision, but are not required.

  3. After reviewing your email, the lab manager will reach out to you about the potential for an interview.