Past News

In 2021

  • Scott Lambert won the Dr. Arthur I. Karshmer Award for Best Journal Paper at the 2021 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference!

    The Dr. Arthur I. Karshmer Award for Assistive Technology Research is awarded annually to the author(s) of the best submission to the Journal Track of the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference. Award winners are recognized for their exemplary submission and excellence in research and the advancement of assistive technology. It is with this award we honor Dr. Karshmer’s extensive experience, commitment and passion in the field of disabilities and assistive technology, and continue his legacy of innovative research in the field of assistive technology (

    Congratulations to Scott and we look forward to seeing his article in CSUN's
    Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities.

      • Lambert, S. G., Fiedler, B. L., Hershenow, C. S., Abrahamson, D., & Gorlewicz, J. L. (2022). A tangible manipulative for inclusive quadrilateral learning. The Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities, 10, 66–81.

  • The CHROME Lab, in collaboration with Andreas Stefik's team at UNLV, Nicholas Giudice's team at UMaine, and Derrick Smith at UAH, has been awarded a NSF HCC Medium award titled "Collaborative Research: Investigating Inclusive Data Science Tools to Overcome Statistics Anxiety". We are very excited to begin this new project!

  • Our collaborative paper "A Protactile Inspired Wearable Haptic Device for Capturing the Core Functions of Communication" has been accepted and published in the IEEE Transactions on Haptics journal! This paper was led by Bryan MacGavin in collaboration with Dr. Terra Edwards in anthropology. Congrats everyone!

  • A double congratulations to two of our undergrads, Evan Capelle (BME) and Maggi Richard (ME), on their graduations this year! Evan has accepted a Mechanical Engineering position at Bausch + Lomb in St. Louis to work on surgical instruments for cataracts and vitreoretinal surgeries. Maggi will be a Fellow with the National Security Innovation Network, X-Force Program. They have each put in 2+ years of hard work for the CHROME Lab and we wish them luck in their new careers!

  • Jen Tennison has successfully defended her Doctoral Dissertation titled "Haptics as a Facilitator for Digital, Accessible, Educational Visual Experiences". Congrats to Dr. Tennison on being the first Ph.D. to graduate from the CHROME Lab!

  • John Pasquesi has successfully defended his Master's thesis titled "Exploring the Haptic Communication Spectrum: From Wearable Haptic Interfaces to Vibration-Defined Networking". After graduation, John will be taking a position as a F-22 Build, SCM, and DevSecOps Associate Software Engineer at Boeing and staying in Saint Louis. Congrats John!

  • The CHROME Lab, in collaboration with Andreas Stefik's team at UNLV, Nicholas Giudice's team at UMaine, Derrick Smith at UAH, and Brianna Blaser at Do-IT, University of Washington has been awarded a NSF ITEST award titled "Collaborative Research: Creating and testing data science learning tools for secondary students with disabilities". We are very excited to begin this new project!

  • Congrats to Nnaoma Agwu on another presentation award, but this time at the Graduate Student Association Research Symposium! Nnaoma earned his first place in the Physical Sciences category of the poster presentation.

  • Congrats to John Pasquesi and Bryan MacGavin on acceptance for publication and presentation at IEEE WorldHaptics 2021! John's paper is titled "Investigating Multi-Touch Vibrations on Mobile Touchscreens" and was accepted as a conference paper. Bryan's paper is titled "A Protactile-Inspired Wearable Haptic Device For Capturing the Core Functions of Communication" and was accepted as a short paper. Great work you two!

  • Nnaoma Agwu has successfully defended his Master's thesis titled "Design and Validation of a Steerable Port Delivery Cannula System for Neurosurgical Procedures". After graduation, Nnaoma will be continuing his higher education by pursuing a PhD at UC Irvine! Everyone at the CHROME Lab wishes you the best of luck in your academic future!

  • Congrats to Seyoon Choi for making the Parks Newsletter with a nice photo of him testing on the touchscreen. Thanks for representing the lab!

  • Congrats to Bryan MacGavin on his Honorable Mention in the latest round of GRFP applications!

  • Thanks to everyone who helped participate in Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. The event was a great success and hopefully inspired future engineers!

  • Following in Nnaoma Agwu's footsteps, John Pasquesi took first place in the Three Minute Thesis competition at SLU. CHROME Lab members have taken first the past two competitions, with Triston Cooper also taking third in 2019!

In 2020

  • Our recent ACM TACCESS paper is trending!

  • Thanks to Parks College for inviting the CHROME lab to present during the weekly webinar series!

  • The lab throws Dr. Gorlewicz a socially distant surprise party for tenure! What a great group!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz has been awarded a promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. Yay!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz gives the keynote talk at the 2020 EPIQ (Experience Programming in Quorum) Conference titled "Good Vibrations: Multimodal Graphics on Touchscreens for Increased Digital Access."

  • Our collaborative paper "Design Guidelines and Recommendations for Multimodal, Touchscreen-Based Graphics" has been accepted in the ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). Congrats to Jen Tennison and the CHROME Lab and to our colleagues Andy Stefik, Nick Giudice, and Derrick Smith and their teams!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz, Dr. Terra Edwards, Dr. Diane Brentari (U Chicago), and Dr. Deanna Gagne (Gallaudet U) have been awarded an NSF RAPID titled "RAPID: Navigating Social Distancing with DeafBlind Children: Protactile Language Acquisition in an Online Learning Environment." This is an exciting new collaborative project that the CHROME Lab is proud to be a part of!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz, Dr. Terra Edwards, and Dr. Flavio Esposito are awarded a SLU Big Idea grant to start a new initiative on campus centered around the People and Technology Horizon (PATH). Look for more things to come!

  • Our paper "Design and implementation of a haptic measurement glove to create realistic human-telerobot interactions" has been accepted for the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, which will take place in October 2020! This paper was co-led by Evan Capelle (Undergraduate Student) and William Benson (Graduate student) in collaboration with SIUE researchers Zach Anderson and Jerry B. Weinberg. Congrats Team!

  • Jen Tennison presents her accepted paper "Project-based smart systems module for early stage mechanical engineering students" at the 2020 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition. Good work Jen!

  • Our paper "Exploring Vibration-Defined Networking", by John Pasquesi, Flavio Esposito, Gianluca Davoli, and Jenna Gorlewicz, was accepted to the 2020 IEEE LANMAN conference. Congrats John!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz presents our work on the development of a wearable haptic sleeve as part of a collaborative panel with Dr. Terra Edwards and Dr. Diane Brentari, titled "Toward a more tactile future: Learning from protactile deafblind communities" (Moderator: Richard Ladner) at the AAAS Annual Meeting, in Seattle, Washington.

  • Maya Dunlap is awarded SLU's Diversity Fellowship - Way to go Maya!!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz's paper titled "Instilling Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value in Entrepreneurial Minded Engineering: Concepts for a Course Sequence in Dynamics and Controls" has been published in Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy!

In 2019

  • The CHROME Lab goes 1/1 on Escape Rooms with 19 minutes to spare!

  • Michael Hahn's paper titled "The comprehension of stem graphics via a multi-sensory tablet in students with visual impairment" will be appearing in the September-October 2019 issue of Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness. Congrats Mike!

  • The CHROME Lab is awarded an NSF Cyber-Human System (CHS) grant to learn from the haptic intuitions of the DeafBlind community to create intuitive, haptic wearable devices that bridge gaps in remote communication!

  • Jen completes a summer internship experience at PhET and flexes her haptic muscles to help embed meaningful touch feedback into their simulations!

  • The CHROME Lab is lead PI on an awarded NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) grant and will be receiving a Polytec Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometer to catalyze vibration-based research at SLU and beyond!

  • Triston demos his prototype hockey puck at the National Blind Ice Hockey Summit! Thanks to all participants and coaches for your invaluable feedback! We have some exciting ideas ahead!

  • Triston, Jen, and William present their research at SLU's Graduate Symposium. Congratulations on a job well done! Extra kudos to Jen for being named in the Top 3 of Best Posters!

  • Nnaoma presents his work on a steerable guide system at the 2019 ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference. Good work Nnaoma!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz attends the annual DIAGRAM Center meeting. What a great convening of leaders in accessibility!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz has been awarded an NSF CAREER award for just under $1 million dollars! To read more about this award click here:

  • The CHROME Lab hosts several future female engineers at SLU's "Introduce a Girl to Engineering" Day!

  • The CHROME Lab gives some excellent tours and hands-on lab demos to local middle schoolers visiting SLU.

  • Dr. Gorlewicz's Book Chapter titled "The Graphical Access Challenge for People with Visual Impairments: Positions and Pathways Forward" has been published. This was a great team effort!

  • Triston was awarded "Outstanding Alumnus" of 2019 by the SIUE School of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department! Congrats Triston!

  • Nnaoma's DMD abstract has been accepted for presentation at DMD 2019! Congratulations Nnaoma!

In 2018

  • Jen's ACM TAP paper titled "Nonvisual Perception of Lines on a Multimodal Touchscreen Tablet" has been accepted for publication! Good work Jen!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz presents the latest research findings and demos our NSF-funded research exploring how we can render digital, multimodal graphics on touchscreens at the National Federation of the Blind Tactile Graphics in Education and Careers Symposium. It was a great, interactive discussion!

  • The CHROME Lab's NSF-sponsored research on displaying graphics using vibrations and sounds on touchscreens is featured in St. Louis Magazine!

  • The CHROME Lab has officially been awarded a grant from the St. Louis Lighthouse for the Blind to develop the next generation hockey puck for the blind!

  • Kyle presents our NSF-funded research on increasing social connectedness in telerobotics at IROS 2018. He successfully carried out a live "telerobotic" demo between Madrid and St. Louis!

  • The CHROME Lab welcomes 2 new graduate students, William Benson and Triston Cooper, and 2 new undergraduates, Emma Leone and Annalise Hilker, in Fall 2018!

  • James successfully defends his M.S. Thesis and started his new job the next day :)! Congratulations James! The CHROME Lab wishes you well!

  • The CHROME Lab welcomes our summer undergraduate researchers:

    • Sarah Silverberg (NSF REU, Telerobotics Project)

    • Iliana Watson (NSF REU, Multimodal Touchscreen Project)

    • TJ Williams (Steerable Needle Project)

    • Elijah Korneffel (Telerobotics Project)

    • Alex Flynn (HUE Tablet Project)

  • Dr. Gorlewicz and Jen attend the NSF DRK-12 PI Meeting, where we participated in a number of great activities including the Digital Arcade and a poster session! Kudos to Jen for helping disseminate the lab's great work!

  • The CHROME Lab provides interactive demos for SLU's Summer Engineering program. We're looking forward to many of these budding engineers coming to SLU in the near future!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz is awarded the 2018 Parks Outstanding Graduate Faculty!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz speaks to Vanderbilt's Women of VISE Group, and many laughs were had by all!

  • Kyle presents his demo of the HUE Tablet at the IEEE Haptics Symposium 2018! He had a crowd the whole time - Nice work Kyle!

  • The CHROME Lab hosts a research demo day for high school girls who are interested in engineering.

  • Jen's CADRE fellowship and related research has been highlighted by Saint Louis University's Newslink. See Story.

  • The CHROME Lab is awarded funding from the St. Louis Lighthouse for the Blind to develop the Next Generation Hockey Puck for the Blind! We are excited to collaborate on this worthy effort!

  • Kyle's demo "HUE: Hybrid Ultrasonic and Electrostatic Haptic Tablet" has been accepted for the 2018 Haptics Symposium - Congratulations Kyle!

  • The CHROME Lab enjoys some delicious home-made food at the lab holiday party! We can't seem to find any group pictures from the night, but Kyle claims he took a picture of the great wings that he made.

  • The CHROME Lab welcomes the following undergraduate researchers to the lab: Ricardo Albacete, Maureen Berglind, Elliot Boerding, Zachary Carril, Kaitlin Gallatin, and Rit Gofwen in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 - Welcome!!

In 2017

  • Jen Tennison was named a CADRE Fellow in Fall 2017 - Way to go Jen!

  • Trevor Smith successfully defended his M.S. Thesis in Summer 2017! Congratulations Trevor!

  • Jen Tennison has been named a 2017 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow!!! What an accomplishment! The CHROME Lab is very proud of Jen and happy to have her in the lab - Congratulations Jen!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz's start-up, ViTAL, has been awarded an NSF SBIR Phase II grant for their work on propelling real-time, multisensory learning into digital graphics in STEM classrooms. More info here: Awesome!

  • Trevor's paper titled "HUE: A Hybrid Ultrasonic and Electrostatic Variable Friction Touchscreen" has been accepted for presentation at WorldHaptics 2017! Congrats Trevor!

  • The CHROME Lab welcomes Kyle Deprow, a new M.S. ME candidate working on the telerobotic project and the steerable guide project. We are glad to have Kyle joining the CHROME Lab - welcome Kyle!

  • The CHROME Lab is awarded a National Science Foundation Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL/ECR) grant titled “Perceptual and Implementation Strategies for Knowledge Acquisition of Digital Tactile Graphics for Blind and Visually Impaired Students” which will begin in January 2017.

  • The CHROME Lab is awarded a National Science Foundation Cyber-Human Systems grant titled “CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Increasing Social Connectedness in Telerobotic Platforms Through Adding Gesture Capabilities.” We are excited to start working on this project!

In 2016

  • The CHROME Lab welcome James Slack, a new MS. ME candidate at Parks! James will be working on the steerable guide project in the lab. Welcome James!

  • CHROME Lab SURE undergraduate researcher, Andrew Zeiss, successfully completes his summer research internship with us. Congrats Andrew!

  • Jen Tennison presents her paper “Toward non-visual graphics representations on vibratory touchscreens: Shape exploration and identification” at Eurohaptics 2016. Well done Jen!

  • Trevor Smith presents work on variable friction touchscreens, titled “Using modal superposition for generating localized tactile effects on variable friction touchscreens” at HAPTICS 2016. Great job Trevor!

  • Dr. Gorlewicz was invited to give an oral presentation of the paper “Design of a steerable guide for laser interstitial thermal therapy of brain tumors” at the DMD 2016 conference.

  • The CHROME Lab provides interactive demos for SLU's Summer Engineering program. We're looking forward to many of these budding engineers coming to SLU in the near future!

  • The CHROME Lab provides interactive demos for SLU's Summer Engineering program. We're looking forward to many of these budding engineers coming to SLU in the near future!